Fixed Window 8 boot failure (Error Code:0xc0000034)

1450阅读 0评论2015-07-22 weilanse

Laptop : Thinkpad x240
Issue   : Boot failed, blue screen
            The Boot Configuration Data file is missing some required information
            File :\BCD
            Error Code : 0xc0000034

Step 1. 
       Boot Window 8 PE from USB storage.
       Firstly, disable secure boot in BIOS settings, and enable Latency boot feature, otherwise it' won't boot from USB.
       Running NTBootAutoFix.exe in PE to repair Boot/Mbr. 
       Restart PC, it's still boot failed.

Step 2.
       Boot WinToGo from USB storage, Check and repair HDD, backup files in C:
       Restart PC, it's still boot failed.

Step 3.
       Press Enter abort BIOS boot, choose F11 to recovery system.
       After loading win8 in recovery partition, choose repair system.Click Advanced options in Troubleshoot screen.Click command prompt. Type the following command :
       bootrec /fixmbr
       bootrec /fixboot
       bootrec /scanos
       bootrec /rebuildbcd
       When scanos and rebuild bcd , is show "Total identified Windows installations: 0"
       Restart PC, it's still boot failed.

Step 4.
       Repeat step 3,  re-build the BCD by manually. Open the command prompt,
       Mount the hidden EFI partition:
       list disk
       select disk 0
       list vol
       select vol 5     //-(FAT32 partition)
       assign letter b
       Then copy the boot folder to c:\boot
       cd efi\microsoft
       md c:\boot2
       xcopy /h /E boot\* c:\boot2\ 
       attrib -s -h boot
       ren boot boot.old
       ren boot.2 boot
       attrib +s +h boot

       Then, excite bootrec /scanos &  bootrec /rebuildbcd,  "window 8 system" appeared!!!
       Restart PC, window 8 boot!!! Thanks god!

Successfully scanned Windows installations.
Total identified Windows installations: 1
[1]  D:\Windows
Add installation to boot list? Yes<Y>/No<N>/All<A>: 
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