HAProxy 研究笔记 -- rules 实现

6890阅读 0评论2013-06-25 Godbach

本文研究 haproxy-1.5-dev17 中 rules 的相关实现。

1. ACL

如果要实现功能丰富的 rules,需要有配套的 ACL 机制。

ACL 的格式如下:

acl [flags] [operator] ...

haproxy 中 ACL 数据结构的定义:

/* The acl will be linked to from the proxy where it is declared */
struct acl {
	struct list list;           /* chaining */
	char *name;		    /* acl name */
	struct list expr;	    /* list of acl_exprs */
	int cache_idx;              /* ACL index in cache */
	unsigned int requires;      /* or'ed bit mask of all acl_expr's ACL_USE_* */


函数 parse_acl() 负责解析定义好的 ACL:

总结: 一个 ACL 包含一到多个表达式。每个表达式包含一个 kw及一到多个 pattern。

2. rule 的组成

这里简要描述 rule 与 acl 之间的逻辑关系:

3. rule 的执行


下面是 rspadd 的示例代码:

	/* add response headers from the rule sets in the same order */
	list_for_each_entry(wl, &rule_set->rsp_add, list) {
		if (txn->status < 200)
		if (wl->cond) {
			int ret = acl_exec_cond(wl->cond, px, t, txn, SMP_OPT_DIR_RES|SMP_OPT_FINAL);
			ret = acl_pass(ret);
			if (((struct acl_cond *)wl->cond)->pol == ACL_COND_UNLESS)
				ret = !ret;
			if (!ret)
		if (unlikely(http_header_add_tail(&txn->rsp, &txn->hdr_idx, wl->s) < 0))
			goto return_bad_resp;

对于同一个种类的 rules,执行逻辑如下:

4. rule 的种类

从 proxy 结构体可以看出 rule 的种类

struct proxy {
	struct list acl;                        /* ACL declared on this proxy */
	struct list http_req_rules;		/* HTTP request rules: allow/deny/http-auth */
	struct list block_cond;                 /* early blocking conditions (chained) */
	struct list redirect_rules;             /* content redirecting rules (chained) */
	struct list switching_rules;            /* content switching rules (chained) */
	struct list persist_rules;		/* 'force-persist' and 'ignore-persist' rules (chained) */
	struct list sticking_rules;             /* content sticking rules (chained) */
	struct list storersp_rules;             /* content store response rules (chained) */
	struct list server_rules;               /* server switching rules (chained) */
	struct {                                /* TCP request processing */
		unsigned int inspect_delay;     /* inspection delay */
		struct list inspect_rules;      /* inspection rules */
		struct list l4_rules;           /* layer4 rules */
	} tcp_req;
	struct {                                /* TCP request processing */
		unsigned int inspect_delay;     /* inspection delay */
		struct list inspect_rules;      /* inspection rules */
	} tcp_rep;

其中, 函数 http_process_req_common 中处理的规则如下:

    1. process block rules
    2. process http req rules
    3. execute regular exp if any
    4. req add
    5. process redirect rules

这里没有详细的介绍各种具体用途的 rules。随后具体分析代码的时候总结一下再加上。

上一篇:HAProxy 研究笔记 -- TCP 连接处理流程
下一篇:HAProxy 研究笔记 -- HTTP请求处理-1-接收