S/MIME v3 and OpenPGP

1322阅读 0评论2009-02-13 ecloud

Differences and Commonalities Between S/MIME v3 and OpenPGP

S/MIME v3 and OpenPGP are both protocols for adding authentication and privacy to messages. However, they differ in many ways, and are not designed to be interoperable. Some cryptography algorithms are the same between the two protocols, but others differ. The following chart is a comparison of many relevant features of the two protocols, showing where they differ and where they are the same.
Mandatory features S/MIME v3 OpenPGP
Message format Binary, based on CMS Binary, based on previous PGP
Certificate format Binary, based on X.509v3 Binary, based on previous PGP
Symmetric encryption algorithm TripleDES (DES EDE3 CBC) TripleDES (DES EDE3 Eccentric CFB)
Signature algorithm Diffie-Hellman (X9.42) with DSS or RSA ElGamal with DSS
Hash algorithm SHA-1 SHA-1
MIME encapsulation of signed data Choice of multipart/signed or CMS format multipart/signed with ASCII armor
MIME encapsulation of encrypted data application/pkcs7-mime multipart/encrypted