从 Linux 向 win32 移植程序需要用 wcout 处理宽字符输出。我下载了 STLport 但是用 STLport 中的 wcout 输出中文时乱码。经过 gdb 跟踪我发现 wcout 输出 wchar_t 字符串时,先调用 codecvt 把 wchar_t 字符串转换成 char 字符串,然后输出 char 字符串。但是在我的 mingw 环境中 codecvt 转换中文时出错了,问题锁定在 STLport 中的_fstream.c 文件中的
const intern_type* from,
const intern_type* from_end,
const intern_type*& from_next,
extern_type* to,
extern_type* to_limit,
extern_type*& to_next) const
现在我把 codecvt
const intern_type* from,
const intern_type* from_end,
const intern_type*& from_next,
extern_type* to,
extern_type* to_limit,
extern_type*& to_next) const {
ptrdiff_t len = (min) (from_end - from, to_limit - to);
int len_str;
wchar_t *pwch = (wchar_t*)(from+len);
*pwch = L'\0';
//pwch = (wchar_t*)from;
pwch = (wchar_t*)from;
len_str = wcstombs(NULL, pwch, 0);
//printf("len_str = %d\n", len_str);
//len = len_str;
wcstombs(to, from, len_str);
from_next = from + len;
to_next = to + len_str;
return ok;
basic_filebuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow(int_type __c) {
// Switch to output mode, if necessary.
if (!_M_in_output_mode)
if (!_M_switch_to_output_mode())
return traits_type::eof();
_CharT* __ibegin = this->_M_int_buf;
_CharT* __iend = this->pptr();
this->setp(_M_int_buf, _M_int_buf_EOS - 1);
// Put __c at the end of the internal buffer.
if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(__c, traits_type::eof()))
*__iend++ = _Traits::to_char_type(__c);
// For variable-width encodings, output may take more than one pass.
while (__ibegin != __iend) {
const _CharT* __inext = __ibegin;
char* __enext = _M_ext_buf;
typename _Codecvt::result __status
= _M_codecvt->out(_M_state, __ibegin, __iend, __inext,
_M_ext_buf, _M_ext_buf_EOS, __enext);
if (__status == _Codecvt::noconv) {
return _Noconv_output<_Traits>::_M_doit(this, __ibegin, __iend)
? traits_type::not_eof(__c)
: _M_output_error();
// For a constant-width encoding we know that the external buffer
// is large enough, so failure to consume the entire internal buffer
// or to produce the correct number of external characters, is an error.
// For a variable-width encoding, however, we require only that we
// consume at least one internal character
else if (__status != _Codecvt::error &&
(((__inext == __iend /*__iend = (_CharT*)__inext*/) &&
(/*__enext - _M_ext_buf == _M_width * (__iend - __ibegin)*/ true)) ||
(!_M_constant_width && __inext != __ibegin)))
// We successfully converted part or all of the internal buffer.
ptrdiff_t __n = __enext - _M_ext_buf;
if (_M_write(_M_ext_buf, __n))
__ibegin += __inext - __ibegin;
return _M_output_error();
return _M_output_error();
return traits_type::not_eof(__c);
std::wcout.imbue(loc), 在 Linux 中不用 std::wcout.imbue(loc), std::wcout 也能输出中文。但在 mingw / STLport 环境下必须加上 std::wcout.imbue(loc)。