
1350阅读 0评论2016-12-26 niao5929

Directory Mappings  AIX FreeBSD HP-UX LINUX(RedHat) SOLARIS Tru64
Root filesystem /              {/dev/hd4} /       {/dev/ad0s1a} /          {/dev/vg00/lvol1} /                  {/dev/sda1} /  {/dev/vx/dsk/rootvol} /     {/dev/rz0a}
Home Directory /home          {/dev/hd1}   /home      {/dev/vg00/lvol4}   /export/home  
  /tmp           {/dev/hd3}   /tmp       {/dev/vg00/lvol6}   /tmp   
  /usr           {/dev/hd2} /usr    {/dev/ad0s1f} /usr       {/dev/vg00/lvol7}   /usr  /usr    {/dev/rz0g}
  /var        {/dev/hd9var} /var    {/dev/ad0s1e} /var       {/dev/vg00/lvol8}   /var  
Sample configuration files -   /usr/newconfig      
User Accounts AIX FreeBSD HP-UX LINUX(RedHat) Solaris Tru64
Password files /etc/passwd /etc/passwd /etc/passwd /etc/passwd /etc/passwd  /etc/passwd 
/etc/security/passwd /etc/master.passwd /tcb/files/auth/r/root /etc/shadow /etc/shadow
Groups file /etc/group /etc/group /etc/group /etc/group /etc/group /etc/group
/etc/security/group /etc/logingroup
Maximum # of user ID 4294967295 65535 2147483647 65535 2147483647 65535
Allow/Deny remote login /etc/security/user /etc/ttys  /etc/securetty /etc/securetty /etc/default/login /etc/securettys
{rlogin=true} {secure} {console} {ttyp1} {CONSOLE=/dev/console} {ttyp1}
User nobody's id # 4294967294 65534 -2 99 60001 & 65534(nobody4) 65534
Group nobody's id # 4294967294 65534 -2(nogroup) 99 60002 & 65534(nogroup) 65534
Recover root password boot from CD/Tape ok boot -s >boot {lilo} boot cdrom -s press the HALT Button or (Control-P)
Installation/Maintenance passwd root Interact with IPL ? Y control-x mkdir /tmp/a >>>boot -fl s
Start Limited Shell   ISL>hpux -iS linux S mount /dev/c0t0d0s0 /tmp/a lsmbstartup
getrootfs hdisk0   passwd root passwd root vi /tmp/a/etc/shadow /sbin/bcheckrc
vi /etc/security/passwd         passwd root
      kernel vmlinuz-2.4.9-13 single   ro root=/dev/hda8    
      initrd /initrd-2.4.9-13.img    
      passwd root    
Create new user mkuser adduser useradd useradd useradd useradd
Delete user rmuser rmuser userdel userdel userdel userdel
List users lsuser -f ALL   logins   logins  
Modify user account chuser -a   usermod usermod usermod usermod
General Commands AIX FreeBSD HP-UX LINUX(RedHat) Solaris Tru64
Unique host ID hostid   uname -i hostid hostid hostid
Administrator smit   sam linuxconf admintool sysman
Performance monitor top top top top top top
monitor glance
System activity reporter sar sa sar sar /usr/opt/svr4/bin/sar
Virtual Memory statistics vmstat vmstat vmstat vmstat vmstat vmstat
I/O statistics iostat iostat iostat iostat iostat
Error logs alog -o -t boot dmesg dmesg dmesg  dmesg uerf -R -o full
Physical RAM 1TB   4TB 64 GB {>2.3.24} 16TB 4TB
Shared Memory 2.75GB   8TB sysctl kernel.shmmax    
Process Data Space 2GB   4GB 900 MB    
Swap device /dev/hd6 /dev/ad0s1b /dev/vg00/lvol2 /dev/sda2 /dev/vx/dsk/swapvol /dev/rz0b
Swap file type /etc/swapspaces swap swap partition type 82  swap raw
Display swap size lsps -a swapinfo swapinfo -a free swap -l swapon -s
Activate Swap swapon -a swapon -a swapon -a swapon -a swap -a swapon -a
Printers AIX FreeBSD HP-UX LINUX Solaris Tru64
Printer Queues /etc/qconfig /var/spool/print /etc/lp/interface/* /var/spool/lpd/lp/* /etc/lp/interfaces/* /usr/spool/lpd
Stop LP  stopsrc -s lpd   lpshut /etc/init.d/lpd stop /usr/lib/lp/lpshut /sbin/init.d/lpd stop
Start LP startsrc -s lpd lpd lpsched /etc/init.d/lpd start /usr/lib/lp/lpsched /sbin/init.d/lpd start
Submit print jobs enq lp lp lpr lp lp
lp lpr lpr
LP statistics enq -A lpq lpstat lpq lpstat lpstat
Remove print jobs cancel cancel cancel lprm cancel cancel
lprm lprm lprm lprm
enq -x      
Add printer queue smit mkpq   lpadmin -p pq printtool lpadmin -p pq lprsetup
Remove Printer queue smit rmpq   lpadmin -x pq   lpadmin -x pq lprsetup
Make default printer export LPDEST="pq"   lpadmin -d pq   lpadmin -d pq export PRINTER="lp"
TCP/IP AIX   HP-UX LINUX(RedHat) Solaris Tru64
Network IP configuration lsattr -E -l inet0 /etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.config.d/netconf /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/  /etc/hostname.* /etc/rc.config
Hosts IP addresses /etc/hosts /etc/hosts /etc/hosts /etc/hosts /etc/inet/hosts /etc/hosts
Name service switch /etc/netsvc.conf /etc/host.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/svc.conf
Network parameters no -a sysctl ndd -h sysctl -a | grep net ndd /dev/[tcp|ip] ?  
Routing daemon gated routed gated routed in.routed routed
NIC Configurations ifconfig -a ifconfig -a lanscan -v ifconfig -a ifconfig -a ifconfig -a
Secondary IP Address ifconfig en0 alias IP  ifconfig xl0 alias IP ifconfig lan0:1 IP  modprobe ip_alias ifconfig hme0:1 IP up ifconfig ln0 alias
ifconfig eth0:1 IP
Login prompt HERALD @   telnetd -b /etc/issue  /etc/issue BANNER @ /etc/issue
/etc/security/login.cfg  /etc/default/telnetd
Increase the # of pseudo-terminals odmget -q "attribute=num and uniquetype=pty/pty/pty" PdAt | sed "s/0-64/0-512/" |   rebuild your kernel with these new values NPTY=#  cd /dev {/etc/system} cd /dev
odmchange -q "attribute=num and uniquetype=pty/pty/pty" -o PdAt NSTRPY=# ./MAKEDEV -v pty set pt_cnt = #   {SYSV} ./MAKEDEV PTY_1
      set npty = #      {BSD}  
chdev -l pty0 -anum=256 -P reboot      
reboot     {/etc/iu.ap}  
  insf -d ptys -n #   ptsl 0 # ldterm ttcompat  
  insf -d ptym -n #      
  insf -d pts -s # -e -v   halt  
      boot -r  
Maximum # of ptys 512   {MAXUSERS} 256 176                {BSD} 8192
3000              {SYSV}
Remote Shell remsh rsh remsh rsh rsh rsh
YP/NIS service binder /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind  /usr/sbin/ypbind /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind  /sbin/ypbind /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind /usr/sbin/ypbind
System Files AIX FreeBSD HP-UX LINUX(RedHat) Solaris Tru64
NFS exported /etc/exports /etc/exports /etc/exports /etc/exports /etc/dfs/dfstab /etc/exports
NFS Client mounted directories /etc/xtab   /etc/xtab /var/lib/nfs/xtab /etc/rmtab /var/adm/mountdtab
Max File System 128 GB   128 GB 2 TB  1 TB 128 GB {<= 3.2G}
8000 TB {vxfs} 512 GB {>= 4.0}
  16 TB {advfs}
Max File Size 64 GB   128 GB 2 GB     {512B block size}  1 TB 128 GB {<= 3.2G}
8192 GB  {8KB block size}  2 GB {=<2.5.1} 512 GB {>= 4.0}
    16 TB {advfs}
Max # File Descriptors 64 K   60~ K sysctl fs.file-max 64 K 64 K
Filesystem table /etc/filesystems /etc/fstab /etc/fstab /etc/fstab /etc/vfstab /etc/fstab
Free disk blocks df -k df -k bdf df -k df -k df -k
Device listing lsdev -C   /sbin/ioscan cat /proc/devices sysdef  
Disk information bootinfo -s hdisk#  fdisk -v ad0 diskinfo /dev/rdsk/c#t#d# cat /proc/scsi/scsi0/sda/model format -d c#t#d# file /dev/rrz0c
Disk Label lspv -l hdisk# disklabel ad0 pvdisplay -v /dev/dsk/C#t#d# fdisk -l prtvtoc disklabel -p rz0
LVM Concepts Partition  sub disk logical extents logical extents sub disk sub disk
  Volume Volume logical volume logical volume Volume Volume
    Plex     Plex Plex
  Volume group   volume group volume group disk group disk group
Journal Filesystem type jfs   vxfs ext3 vxfs advfs
Default volume group /dev/rootvg   /dev/vg00   /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg /dev/vol/rootdg
Display volume group lsvg -l rootvg   vgdisplay -v vg00 vgdisplay -v vxprint -l -g rootdg volprint -l -g rootdg
Modify physical volume chpv   pvchange pvchange    
Prepare physical disk mkdev -c disk -l hdisk#   pvcreate pvcreate vxdiskadd voldiskadd
List physical volume lspv vinum ld  pvdisplay pvdisplay vxprint -dl volprint -dl
Remove disk from volume group reducevg   vgreduce vgreduce vxdg rmdisk voldg rmdisk
Move logical volumes to another physical volumes migratepv vinum move -f drive object pvmove pvmove vxassist move volassist move
Create volume group mkvg   vgcreate vgcreate vxdg init voldg init
Remove volume group     vgremove vgremove    
Volume group availability chvg   vgchange vgchange    
Restore volume group     vgcfgrestore vgcfgrestore    
Exports volume group exportvg   vgexport vgexport vxdg deport voldg deport
Imports volume group importvg   vgimport vgimport vxdg import voldg import
Volume group listing lsvg   vgscan vgscan    
Change logical volume characteristics  chlv   lvchange lvchange  vxedit set voledit set
List logical volume lslv vinum lv lvdisplay lvdisplay vxprint -vl volprint -vl
Make logical volume mklv   lvcreate lvcreate vxassist make volassist make
Extend logical volume extendlv   lvextend lvextend vxassist growto volassist growto
Reduce logical volume   lvreduce lvreduce vxassist shrinkto volassist shrinkto
Remove logical volume rmlv vinum rm vol lvremove lvremove vxedit rm voledit -g rootdg -rf rm vol1
Prepare boot volumes bootlist -m normal   lvlnboot lilo vxbootsetup  
Remove boot volumes     lvrmboot      
Extend File system chfs -a size=# /mt   extendfs /dev/vg00/lvol8 resize2fs vxva  
fsadm -F vxfs -b {LE * 1024} /mt resize_reiserfs mkfs -M
Reduce/Split mirrors rmlvcopy   lvsplit lvsplit    
Merge mirrors     lvmerge lvmerge    
Create mirrors mklv -c 2 vinum mirror drive lvcreate -m 1   vxassist mirror volassist make vol 100mb mirror=true
Add mirrors mklvcopy lv 2    lvextend -m 1      
Create striped volumes mklv -u 3 -S 64K vinum stripe drive lvcreate -i 3 -I 64 lvcreate -i 3 -I 64 vxassist make vol 100mb layout=raid5 volassist make vol 100mb layout=stripe
System recovery tape mksysb -i /dev/rmt0   /opt/ignite/bin/make_recovery     /usr/sys/bin/btcreate
Backup savevg -i rootvg vinum saveconfig fbackup tar cvf /dev/rst0 / ufsdump vdump
Restore restvg    frecover tar xvf /dev/rst0  ufsrestore vrestore
Startup script /etc/rc /etc/rc /sbin/rc /etc/rc.d/rc /etc/init.d /sbin/init.d
Kernel /usr/lib/boot/unix_up /kernel /stand/vmunix /boot/vmlinuz /kernel/genunix /vmunix
Kernel Parameters lsattr -E -l sys0 sysctl -a sysdef sysctl -a sysdef -i sysconfig
kmtune dxkerneltuner
Reconfigure the kernel chdev -l sys0 -a  cd /sys/i386/conf cd /stand/build cd /usr/src/linux  vi /etc/system doconfig
vi KERNEL /usr/lbin/sysadm/system_prep -v -s system make mrproper  reboot
config KERNEL vi system make menuconfig   
cd ../../compile/KERNEL mk_kernel -s system make dep   
make depend cd /stand make clean   
make mv system system.prev make bzImage  
make install mv vmunix vmunix.prev make install  
  mv dlkm dlkm.prev make modules  
  mv /stand/build/system system make modules_install  
  kmupdate /stand/build/vmunix_test    
    cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16  
    mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.2.16.img 2.2.16  
    vi /etc/lilo.conf  
List modules genkex kldstat kmadmin -s lsmod modinfo  
Load module   kldload kmadmin -L insmod modload  
Unload module   kldunload kmadmin -U rmmod modunload  
Initialize system install_assist /stand/sysinstall set_parms initial netconf sys-unconfig netsetup
Physical RAM bootinfo -r sysctl hw.physmem grep -i Physical /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log free prtconf uerf | grep memory
Kernel Bits bootinfo -K   getconf KERNEL_BITS getconf LONG_BIT isainfo -kv 64
Crash utility crash crash adb crash kdbx
Trace System Calls syscalls truss tusc strace truss
Machine model uname -m uname -m model uname -m uname -imp uname -p
bootinfo -m uname -m
OS Level oslevel uname -r uname -r uname -r uname -r sizer -v
Run Level who -r   who -r runlevel who -r who -r
Core dump files /var/adm/ras   /var/adm/crash   /var/crash/`uname -n`  
Boot single user Key on service mode/F4 ok boot -s >boot {lilo} ok boot -s >>> boot -fl s
Boot from CD/Tape Interact with IPL ? Y control-x
Select Maintenance ISL>hpux -iS linux S
Limited function Shell    
    kernel vmlinuz-2.4.9-13 single   ro root=/dev/hda8
    initrd /initrd-2.4.9-13.img
Maintenance mode   ok boot -as >boot   ok boot -as  
Interact with IPL ? Y
ISL>hpux -lm
Interrupt Key     control-B   Stop-A control-P
Return to console     co   ok go  
Timezone Management /etc/environment /etc/localtime /etc/TIMEZONE /etc/sysconfig/clock /etc/TIMEZONE /etc/svid3_tz
/etc/profile /etc/default/init timezone
NTP Daemon /etc/ntp.conf /etc/rc.conf {xntpd_enable="YES"} /etc/rc.config.d/netdaemons /etc/ntp.conf /etc/inet/ntp.conf rcmgr set XNTPD_CONF YES
startsrc -s xntpd /etc/rc.network /sbin/init.d/xntpd /etc/rc.d/init.d/xntpd /etc/init.d/xntpd /sbin/init.d/xntpd
Software AIX   HP-UX LINUX(RedHat) SOLARIS Tru64
Install Software installp -a pkg_add swinstall rpm -i package pkgadd setld -l
Uninstall software installp -u pkg_delete swremove rpm -e package pkgrm setld -d
List installed software lslpp -L all pkg_info -a swlist rpm -qa pkginfo setld -i
Verify installed software lppchk -v   swlist -l fileset -a state rpm -V package pkginfo -i setld -v
pkginfo -p
List all files lslpp -f fileset pkg_info -L package swlist -l file fileset rpm -ql package pkgchk -l package setld -i package
List installed patches instfix -i   swlist -l patch   patchadd -p dupatch -track -type patch
what /stand/vmunix
Package owner lslpp -w path   swlist -l file | grep path rpm -qf file pkgchk -l -p path  
SW Directory /usr/lpp /var/db/pkg /var/adm/sw/ /var/lib/rpm /var/sadm /var/adm/smlogs
Devices /dev /dev /dev /dev /devices /dev
Install devices for attached peripherals cfgmgr -v /dev/MAKEDEV insf -e /dev/MAKEDEV drvconfig scu scan edt
devlinks scsimgr -scan_all
Remove device rmdev -l   rmsf   rem_drv  
Device drivers lscfg   lsdev   prtconf -D  
CPU lsdev -Cc processor sysctl hw.model ioscan -fnC processor cat /proc/cpuinfo psrinfo -v psrinfo -v
List Terminal lsdev -Cc tty   ioscan -fnC tty   pmadm -l  
Diagnostics diag pciconf -l stm lspci /usr/platform/`uname -m`/  
pnpdump sbin/prtdiag
  ok test-all
Whole Disk /dev/hdisk# /dev/ad0s1c /dev/dsk/c#t#d0 /dev/sda /dev/c#t#d0s2 /dev/rz0c
CDROM /dev/cd0 /dev/acd0c /dev/dsk/c#t2d0 /dev/cdrom /dev/dsk/c#t6d0s2 /dev/rz3c
CDROM file type cdrfs cd9660 cdfs iso9660 hsfs cdfs
Rewinding tape drive /dev/rmt0 /dev/rwt0d /dev/rmt/0m /dev/rst0               { c 9 0} /dev/rmt/0 /dev/rmt0
Non-rewinding tape drive /dev/rmt0.1 /dev/nrwt0d /dev/rmt/0mn /dev/nrst0           { c 9 128 } /dev/rmt/0n /dev/nrmt0
Floppy drive /dev/rfd0 /dev/fd0 - /dev/fd0 /dev/diskette /dev/fd0c
Online Manual Linux Documentation Project Solaris 10 Documentation Tru64 Documents
Technical Support  
Phone Number 1-800-CALL-AIX   1-800-633-3600 1-888-REDHAT1 1-800-USA-4SUN 1-800-474-6836
Free Software