windows 下访问 nfs

4513阅读 0评论2009-12-09 zieckey

1. 下载Windows的NFS软件SFU:

2. 下载SFU3.5的补丁文件:
3. 做NFS客户端所必须的文件:
NFS->Client for NFS
Authentication tools for NFS->Server for PCNFS
4. 运行Services For UNIX Administration,右键单击Server For PCNFS,启动Server For PCNFS。添加自己在Linux下相应的组名和用户名,用户名的密码可以随便写,可以与Linux下的密码不一致。但是gid和uid必须要一致。
5. 在我的电脑->网上邻居->整个网络->NFS Network->Default LAN->下找到自己的NFS主机,右键点击,选择映射网络驱动器。点完成。在NFS Login Successful对话框下选择否,就出来了Client for NFS Drive Z:属性。选中PCNFS settings,Server Name填写localhost, User Name写自己Linux主机上的用户名,Password写自己步骤4中所填写的密码。再点击确定,出现了NFS Login Successful对话框,选择是。

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Map Network Drive.
  1. In the Drive list, click the drive letter to use.
  2. To locate the network file system (NFS) share, click Browse, or, in Folder, type the path to the share. You can specify the path as:


(for example:,

or as:


(for example: \\payroll\benefits\dental).

  1. To connect using a different user name and password, click Connect using a different user name, type the user name and password, and then click OK.
  2. Click Finish, and then, to accept the default login settings, click Yes, or to change the login settings, click No.

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