LNK1104 intermittantly when building

951阅读 0评论2011-07-04 meteorm

Occasionally when rebuilding a C++ project with map file requested I get the following error:

3>     Creating library C:\projects\MYSolution\Windows\Debug\MYProject.lib and object C:\projects\MYSolution\Windows\Debug\MYProject.exp
3>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\projects\MYSolution\Windows\Debug\MYProject.map'
3>Build FAILED.

Deleting the map file and rebuilding fixes the problem.


Posted by Microsoft on 3/26/2010 at 1:31 PM
Thank you for reporting this issue. This is now fixed and should be shipped in a future release. Meanwhile, disabling incremental linking should prevent the error in most cases.

Igor Savelzon
Dev - Visual C++

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