the different aesthetic standard

5900阅读 0评论2010-04-18 nhrcycs


我个人认为审美观还是受到一个时代\种族的文化经济地位影响的. 现在亚洲人的审美观,基本是向白种人靠齐的,不能说他们长得就是绝对的比较漂亮,当初中国人第一次见到白种人的时候,记载下来的描述可不是惊艳的语气, 但是慢慢的我们的审美观就被改变了.废话少说, 还是看看别人怎么说的:

why do western guys like ugly chinese girls?
it's said that westerners prefer ugly chinese girls to pretty ones.  if an ugly girl wants to get a marriage, go find a westerner! chinese stars popular abroad are usually not the desired type of the chinese people. what the hell are western guys thinking?

主贴放了一张吕燕的照片,然后说:"为什么西方男人喜欢难看的中国女孩? 据说西方男子喜欢难看的中国女孩,而不是漂亮的那些. 如果一个丑女孩想要结婚, 就去找一个西方男人吧! 在国外很流行的中国明星都是中国人自己并不喜欢的那种. 西方男人们在想什么啊?" --估计发这贴的得是个中国人.

回复6: The beauty as commonly known " appearance" is just skin deep,after a short time it looks avrage and unexiting,but the inner beauty it's something that is always atractive to me.
通常说的外在美都只是停留在表层的, 初看起来也许很普通,并不令人动心,但是内在美总是更吸引我.

回复8:Beauty is in the hand of the beholder?? The most important is "personality"!
情人眼里出西施? 最重要的是人格!

NONE, Most guys like appearance as you said,probably because they don't know what is good for them.That's called passion. When they have it ,they notice it's no good for them,so they get rid of it, and look for the type which is good for all seasons. It means a complete woman.
大部分的男人也喜欢你所说的外表,因为他们并不知道什么对自己有益. 这叫做激情. 激情之后,他们会发现这对自己并无任何益处,所以抛弃仅仅追求外在美,而去寻找对自己各方面都有益的类型. 也就是说,一个彻底的完整的女人.

I do not like ugly girls, Chinese or not..
I like very beautiful girls and there is many in China, maybe I have a different standard of beauty -- but I am the one that decide what I find beautiful.
btw: Lv Yan IS very beautiful!!!!
我喜欢美丽的女孩,中国有很多, 也许我的审美观不大一样吧。但是我才是决定自己觉得美不美的人。

Common on Chinese! Don't be so naive and ridiculous! Too many of you cannot see the world from another point of view! Beauty IS in the eyes of beholders! What you Chinese consider beautiful or ugly may not be viewed as the same by the Westerner or non-Chinese. Can you understand that? Why do you want to impose your standard of beauty on people of very different cultures, values, etc... Isn't it much better everyone has his/her own beauty standard so everyone can have their most desired one? By the way, the woman shown in the picture looks beautiful in any sense of the word!
(吕燕的长相)在中国人中很常见!不要这么天真以及荒谬!你们很多人不能从另一个角度看世界!情人眼里出西施! 你们中国人觉得丑或美的不见得西方人或者非中国人也这么想。 你明白吗?为什么你硬要把你的审美观强加给来自不同文化和价值观的人呢? 每个人对美有不同的标准不是更好吗?这样每个人都会有他自己最喜欢的。顺便说一句,照片里的女人从任何意义来说都是美丽的。

99% people on this planet are born beautiful. As long as they have a beautiful character, they are indeed beautiful.
My experience is: when you meet someone for the first time, perhaps she or he is a little plain looking, but as time races by, in most cases, the person seems more and more nice-looking to me.

No one is ugly. Everyone is beautiful in its own way. Rose and cactus both compete in flower show side by side. If rose is useful so is aloe. Rose has beauty but aloe the virtue. So people like girls who are beaautiful at heart. Western guys like asian girls for the same reason they dislike western girls...stability in life and to have a family for ever. A beautiful wife is for others to look at, but a so so wife is your to keep for ever.
I love chinese girls. they are the sexiest human beings on this planet.
没有人是丑的。 每个人都有他自己独特的美。玫瑰和仙人掌在花展中肩并肩的平等竞争。如果玫瑰有用的话,芦荟也是。玫瑰漂亮但芦荟有它自己的功效。就好像心灵美的女孩一样。西方男子喜欢亚洲女孩,原因和他们不喜欢西方女孩一样。。。安于生活,想要一个持久的家庭。 一个漂亮的太太只是让别人看的,但是长相平平的太太可以陪你到永远

Do Ch guys like foreign girls? I don't know really. Why does it happen so much more rarely that they get together?

What does a "pretty" chinese girl look like? What does an "ugly" chinese girl look like. In other words please define your terms. Personally, I've never seen an ugly chinese girl.

Chinese girls who strive for pale skin, big eyes, and other "white" features is the same as Caucasian men who try to look ASian. No CHinese thinks Steven Seagal (always trying to look Asian) is hot, but they love the guys who dont look Chinese at all. like Brat Pitt. Key is, you need to think of it that way. Why would a white guy like a Chinese girl who looks white?
拼命想要白皮肤大眼睛,以及其他“白种人特征”的中国女孩, 就跟想要让自己看起来像亚洲人的高加索男人一样。没有中国人觉得Steven Seagal很帅,但是他们却喜欢看起来完全不像中国人的白人男子,比如Brat Pitt。 关键是,你要这么想:为什么一个白人男子会喜欢一个看起来像白种人的中国女孩呢?(意思是说,如果想要看起来像白种人的中国女孩,不如直接找白种女人算了)

What kind of Analysis is that upstairs? There are different reasons for that.
Once in college, i saw one of our classmate who was a prety girl was dating an ugly guy. I asked her " what do you see in him that has attracted you?" She replied, " He has a soft beautiful hand and i like it "
In the whole, Human nature likes different things. If one sees something different attracts one for different reasons which shouldn't be neccessarily matched with yours or mine.

     Joy wrote:
    Maybe there have been more than enough beartiful girls already. Beauties without strong characteristic will not survive in people's focus.

You are absolutely right JOY, only those with strong charactor & great personality are the real beauties.

回复64:You are simply a racest idiot. Objectively, considering the high percentage of overweight and unhealthy western woman, one might ask the opposite, but I wont disparage those admiring the afore-mentioned merely because they do not suit my taste. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and a closed mind is a narrow one.

well, people are often attracted by "exotic" appearence...
maybe a lot of western guys associate "typical chinese" exotic beauty with small, oblique eyes, something you chinese seem not to be fond of...
I'm a western girl and in my opinion the girl in the picture is, if not beatiful, at least really nice.
What i see is a delicate, gentle appearence, which makes her really feminine, a nice shaped face and very intriguing eyes...
I don't know her (even if it seems she is very famous), so i cannot be influenced by her character or her moral qualities...

Anyway,can you explain me why chinese people love so much ugly gaogao bizi?
Is it true? Or just a joke?
I also heard about chinese girls chosing plastic surgery in order to obtain a more prominent nose...
Really, i can't believe it! :


回复91:(原文说得比较难听,大概意思是说这些难看的中国女孩跟西方男人在一起,因为她们没什么自尊, 以前从来没有人注意过她们,而西方男人跟她们在一起是为了享受这种被人伺候的感觉,西方男人在他们自己的国家也是如此。无非就是为了性。我敢说很多中国男人也这么看西方女人。就是说,觉得她们漂亮只是因为她们是西方人,而她们在自己的国家却不被人认为是漂亮的)


For the record:

i know a lot of chinese girls (usually the better educated and more attractive ones) who would never date
a white guy because they hate hairy, smelly, stingy, obese men (i.e. most yanks).

My point is one should never generalise according to race like some of these posts have done. Otherwise you are advertising yourself as a DUMBASS.

btw im a white brit


Hahahaha.. I am a hairy western guy. In fact my girlfriend calls me "Da Xing Xing" hahahaha.. As for being obese and stupid.. geez.. I guess I could stand to lose a few pounds and I won't win Jeopardy anytime soon, but as for not paying for dinner... I think most people reading this don't believe that. I seriously doubt many westerners come to China looking for rich women to buy them meals. And I think all and all we don't stink. I own 9 sticks of deorderant. It's hard to buy here because it isn't a highly sought after product. I have to stock up when I can. Not to mention my lower than per capita garlic intake... I think old Poppy had her heart broken by a westerner.. Sorry to hear it. Better luck next time.

on my last trip I saw a few ugly guys but increadibly many beautiful girls. I wonder, what you all are talking about. Ok, let us be serious: What beauty means, is a very personal interpretation. I think, it is the tender voice,  the kindness, the inner beauty and the oriental charme of the face, especially the magic eyes of a chinese woman, what fascinates a western man (me tooEmbarrassed) - even of a girl, that is "ugly", according to chinese definitions.

Just a remark: I also wonder about those many Anonymous posters. Why don't they register before they post? It's free. Nobody will hurt you...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! What one man sees as beautiful, another may see as ugly. However, I must add the following. I work at a large US International airport and am daily on the floor when foreigners arrive and I can tell you that when Chinese girls enter the area most of the men stop and look with admiration. They don't do this with Japanese girls or Philippine girls in general. So what is it about the lovely Chinese women?

My view is that they (the Chinese women) have something the others are missing. Perhaps it is the graceful walk, the slender figure, the ready smile. I don't know but it certainly is there! As far as who is ugly and who is not vis a vis Chinese people and western guys, I again return to the statement that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I can definately tell you that the Chinese women are "show stoppers" when they come into the area.

You might be surprised to know that many western women find Chinese guys to be very attractive and sexy also. But for some reason it seems Chinese guys are not attracted to western women, but prefer Chinese women. Perhaps it is for the same reasons western men are drawn to Chinese women.
我的观点是,这些中国女人有着其他人没有的东西。也许是她们优雅的走路姿态,苗条的身材,脸上带着的微笑.我不知道,但是这是真的! ............(翻来覆去废话太多了,不写了)

Wow!! Isn't it strange how different people have different tastes. To some of us, what matters is genes and presence. To many of us in cultures where brains, intelligence and shape/height matters, a 'pretty' woman who is too thin, too short and too fragile WILL REPRODUCE CHILDREN WHO ARE like her.

Many of us are concerned about things that are to mus more important than 'beauty.' Furthermore much of what is called 'beauty' in some people lasts for about twenty years 20 - 40. After 40, many people start wrinkling or loosing their beauty due to the misfortune of not having the type of skin that can resist the infra red and ultra violet rays of the sun WHICH DAMAGES AND AGES SKIN QUICKLY.

Therefore, a woman who is not very 'beautiful' but average, yet will look good when she is 50, will still be strong, healthy and smart THAT IS THE TYPE OF WOMAN MOST 'WESTERN' MEN, PARTICULARLY IN THE BLACK AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY ARE ATTRACTED TO.

Since many of us have an ancient tradition of being war captives, our traditions are more for getting women who are in good form, rather than having a 'pretty' face and nothing else.

A woman with an 'average' face who is kind, has a sweet voice, caring, of good figure, or good, strong build and intelligent is what many men look for. That is why most men before marriage (in the US particularly African-American communities) will want 'pretty' girls to go out with SOMETIMES, but when it comes to marriage the choice is usually a tall, strong-framed, average and kindly woman who has female skills and good intelligence.

Fortunately, China has that type of woman who have not been SPOILED by the false ideas of 'feminism' that is destroying relationships between males and females in the West.

The fact is, in some cultures, people just don't care about how 'beautiful' a woman looks. In fact if she is too beautiful and a man bases his choosing on her beauty, he can live life like a mental slave. He will become easily jealous, he will see all other men who look at his woman as a threat, he will never be able to be a real man because his 'beautiful' woman will control his mind.

So, beauty can be a poison. I don't like the term 'ugly' Chinese women, because in the Black/African culture, having 'almond' eyes, high cheekbones and chocolate/dark skin is the ultimate in beauty. Therefore, having almond eyes (so-called small eyes) high cheekbones and yellowish-brown (South Chinese complexion) is a beautiful trait.


I see Black African women with the identical features found in Chinese people, and to me, they are very beautiful. That is so particularly in Nigerian (Yoruba, Nago-Minna), South African (!Kung San, Zulu, Tswana) and Congolese (Mangbetu, Bakongo) women of CERTAIN ETHNIC GROUPS. Such is also the case in many African-Women and Jamaican women. So, what you call 'ugly' may be beautiful to some people, and what you call 'beautiful' may be 'ugly' to others.
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