- 1.关闭AT91SAM7S板电源;
- 2.把板上的TST跳线连接;
- 3.打开AT91SAM7S板电源;
- 4.等10秒;
- 5.关闭AT91SAM7S板电源;
- 6.把板上的TST跳线断开;
- 7.打开AT91SAM7S板电源;
- 8.安装USB驱动程序:插上USB线,将提示“无法识别的硬件”,此时可以安装atm6124驱动程序
- 9.打开“SAM-BA GUI”,就可以接着使用USB口下载文件到AT91SAM7S板。
- DBGUG的硬件要求
- 使用3~20MHz的石英震晶(软件自调适);
- 使用18.432MHz的石英震晶;
- USB的PIOA16口需要上拉电阻;
SAM-BA Notes V1.0 - May 2005
The below procedure is applicable to:AT91SAM7S32 & AT91SAM7S64 starting from rev E (product ID: 58814E)
AT91SAM7S128 & AT91SAM7S256 starting from rev C (product ID: 58818C)
Getting Started with SAM-BA on the SAM7S-EK Evaluation Kit
AT91SAM7S-EK is ready to use the SAM-BA™ software through DBGU or USB.
Before being able to use SAM-BA, a recovery procedure which consists of
copying the SAM-BA Boot Assistant into Flash must be performed as
- Power down the SAM7S-EK
- Close the Jumper JP5 named TST
- Power up the SAM7S-EK
- Wait 10s
- Power down the SAM7S-EK
- Remove the Jumper JP5 named TST
- Power up the SAM7S-EK
SAM-BA Boot Assistant is now available in the first two sectors of the on-chip flash and ready to use.
you can start using the SAM-BA GUI to interface with the SAM-BA Boot
Assistant as described in the SAM-BA User Guide available in the
"on-line" help.
How to use SAM-BA on your AT91SAM7S-based devices application ?
The AT91SAM7S devices feature the System Recovery procedure which restores the SAM-BA™ Boot Assistant inside the Flash.
System Recovery Procedure
the TST pin is set during power-up and PGMEN0, PGMEN1 and PGMEN2 are
set, the device is entering is a specific test mode and performs a
SAM-BA™ Boot System Recovery which consists in copying the SAM Boot
Assistant (SAM-BA™) in the first two sectors of the on-chip Flash
memory. The system recovery procedure takes 10s.
In normal mode, the TST pin can be left unconnected thanks to the internal pull down.
Please note that on the SAM7S-EK, PGMEN0, PGMEN1 and PGMEN2 are set by using the internal pull-up resistors enabled by default after power-up.
In normal mode, the TST pin can be left unconnected thanks to the internal pull down.
Please note that on the SAM7S-EK, PGMEN0, PGMEN1 and PGMEN2 are set by using the internal pull-up resistors enabled by default after power-up.
Boot Assistant is now available in the first two sectors of the on-chip
flash and ready to use. Then, you can start using the SAM-BA GUI to
interface with the SAM-BA Boot Assistant as described in the SAM-BA
User Guide available in the "on-line" help.
SAM-BA hardware requirements:
- DBGU Requirements
- Wide range of Quartz from 3 to 20MHz Quartz (software auto detection)
USB Requirements
- Limited to a 18.432MHz Quartz
- PIOA16 dedicated for the USB Pull-up (refer to the AT91SAM7S-EK Board Schematics)