- Thread 273 (Thread 0x2acecc040700 (LWP 182856)):
- #0 0x00000033b9ce1373 in select () from /lib64/libc.so.6
- #1 0x000000000096d1af in os_thread_sleep(unsigned long) ()
- #2 0x00000000009cd334 in srv_conc_enter_innodb(trx_t*) ()
- #3 0x0000000000917028 in ha_innobase::write_row(unsigned char*) ()
- #4 0x00000000005c5c3d in handler::ha_write_row(unsigned char*) ()
- #5 0x00000000006e4245 in write_record(THD*, TABLE*, COPY_INFO*, COPY_INFO*) ()
- #6 0x00000000006e9cc9 in mysql_insert(THD*, TABLE_LIST*, List<Item>&, List<List<Item> >&, List<Item>&, List<Item>&, enum_duplicates, bool) ()
- #7 0x00000000006fcb5c in mysql_execute_command(THD*) ()
- #8 0x0000000000701f38 in mysql_parse(THD*, char*, unsigned int, Parser_state*) ()
- #9 0x000000000070375c in dispatch_command(enum_server_command, THD*, char*, unsigned int) ()
- #10 0x000000000078e158 in threadpool_process_request(THD*) ()
- #11 0x000000000078f12d in worker_main(void*) ()
- #12 0x0000000000b03a83 in pfs_spawn_thread ()
- #13 0x00000033ba0079d1 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
- #14 0x00000033b9ce88fd in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6
接下来,我们略过其他的冗长的函数,直接从srv_conc_enter_innodb看看此时mysql到底在做什么 。
- /*********************************************************************//**
- Handle the scheduling of a user thread that wants to enter InnoDB. Setting
- srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay > 0 switches the adaptive sleep calibration to
- ON. When set, we want to wait in the queue for as little time as possible.
- However, very short waits will result in a lot of context switches and that
- is also not desirable. When threads need to sleep multiple times we increment
- os_thread_sleep_delay by one. When we see threads getting a slot without
- waiting and there are no other threads waiting in the queue, we try and reduce
- the wait as much as we can. Currently we reduce it by half each time. If the
- thread only had to wait for one turn before it was able to enter InnoDB we
- decrement it by one. This is to try and keep the sleep time stable around the
- "optimum" sleep time. */
- static void
- srv_conc_enter_innodb_with_atomics(
- /*===============================*/
- trx_t* trx) /*!< in/out: transaction that wants
- to enter InnoDB */
- {
- ulint n_sleeps = 0;
- ibool notified_mysql = FALSE;
- ut_a(!trx->declared_to_be_inside_innodb);
- for (;;) {
- ulint sleep_in_us;
- if (srv_conc.n_active < (lint) srv_thread_concurrency) {
- ulint n_active;
- /* Check if there are any free tickets. */
- n_active = os_atomic_increment_lint(
- &srv_conc.n_active, 1);
- if (n_active <= srv_thread_concurrency) {
- srv_enter_innodb_with_tickets(trx);
- if (notified_mysql) {
- (void) os_atomic_decrement_lint(
- &srv_conc.n_waiting, 1);
- thd_wait_end(trx->mysql_thd);
- }
- if (srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay > 0) {
- if (srv_thread_sleep_delay > 20
- && n_sleeps == 1) {
- --srv_thread_sleep_delay;
- }
- if (srv_conc.n_waiting == 0) {
- srv_thread_sleep_delay >>= 1;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /* Since there were no free seats, we relinquish the overbooked ticket. */
- (void) os_atomic_decrement_lint(&srv_conc.n_active, 1);
- }
- if (!notified_mysql) {
- (void) os_atomic_increment_lint(&srv_conc.n_waiting, 1);
- /* Release possible search system latch this thread has */
- if (trx->has_search_latch) {
- trx_search_latch_release_if_reserved(trx);
- }
- thd_wait_begin(trx->mysql_thd, THD_WAIT_USER_LOCK);
- notified_mysql = TRUE;
- }
- trx->op_info = "sleeping before entering InnoDB";
- sleep_in_us = srv_thread_sleep_delay;
- /* Guard against overflow when adaptive sleep delay is on. */
- if (srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay > 0
- && sleep_in_us > srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay) {
- sleep_in_us = srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay;
- srv_thread_sleep_delay = sleep_in_us;
- }
- os_thread_sleep(sleep_in_us);
- trx->innodb_que_wait_timer += sleep_in_us;
- trx->op_info = "";
- ++n_sleeps;
- if (srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay > 0 && n_sleeps > 1) {
- ++srv_thread_sleep_delay;
- }
- }
- }
一.如果目前thread running的个数,已经超过了innodb_thread_concurrency,该thread会如何处置呢 ?
- trx->op_info = "sleeping before entering InnoDB";
- sleep_in_us = srv_thread_sleep_delay;
- /* Guard against overflow when adaptive sleep delay is on. */
- if (srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay > 0
- && sleep_in_us > srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay) {
- sleep_in_us = srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay;
- srv_thread_sleep_delay = sleep_in_us;
- }
- os_thread_sleep(sleep_in_us);
- trx->innodb_que_wait_timer += sleep_in_us;
- trx->op_info = "";
- ++n_sleeps;
- if (srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay > 0 && n_sleeps > 1) {
- ++srv_thread_sleep_delay;
- }
2.判断需要sleep的时间是否大于srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay(默认150ms),如果大于该值,调整为该值.(避免sleep 时间过久,性能受到影响).
二:如果thread running的个数,还未超过innodb_thread_concurrency,也就是说队列尚未满,此时thread可以进入innodb,从而得到及时的处理。
- if (srv_conc.n_active < (lint) srv_thread_concurrency) {
- ulint n_active;
- /* Check if there are any free tickets. */
- n_active = os_atomic_increment_lint( &srv_conc.n_active, 1);
- if (n_active <= srv_thread_concurrency) {
- srv_enter_innodb_with_tickets(trx);
- if (notified_mysql) {
- (void) os_atomic_decrement_lint(&srv_conc.n_waiting, 1);
- thd_wait_end(trx->mysql_thd);
- }
- if (srv_adaptive_max_sleep_delay > 0) {
- if (srv_thread_sleep_delay > 20
- && n_sleeps == 1) {
- --srv_thread_sleep_delay;
- }
- if (srv_conc.n_waiting == 0) {
- srv_thread_sleep_delay >>= 1;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /* Since there were no free seats, we relinquish
- the overbooked ticket. */
- (void) os_atomic_decrement_lint( &srv_conc.n_active, 1);
- }
os_atomic_increment_lint(&srv_conc.n_active, 1)
2.由于可能有很多thread 满足 srv_conc.n_active < (lint) srv_thread_concurrency 条件,从而进入执行os_atomic_increment_lint
if (srv_conc.n_active < (lint) srv_thread_concurrency) {
ulint n_active;
/*第一个thread 由于满足条件,将要开始执行n_active加1操作。(未执行) */
/*第二个thread 由于满足条件,将要开始执行n_active加1操作。(未执行) */
/*第三个thread 由于满足条件,将要开始执行n_active加1操作。(未执行) */
/*第四个thread 由于满足条件,将要开始执行n_active加1操作。(未执行) */
/*第五个thread 由于满足条件,将要开始执行n_active加1操作。(未执行) */
/*第六个thread 由于满足条件,将要开始执行n_active加1操作。(未执行) */
/* Check if there are any free tickets. */
n_active = os_atomic_increment_lint(&srv_conc.n_active, 1);
/* 此时,上述6个线程依次加1,则n_active=6,下面代码尚未执行 */
/*再次执行下面的判断时,由于不满足条件,从而进入sleep等待,等到下次sleep完之后,发现thread running queue已经满了,从而被误伤到.*/
if (n_active <= srv_thread_concurrency) {
所以最好对n_active 进行加锁保护。
3.满足2的条件,如果该thread是由于之前sleep状态醒来,发现活跃线程数小于innodb_thread_concurrency,则将wating thread的数量减1.
如果该thread之前有过一次sleep,且srv_thread_sleep_delay > 20,则将srv_thread_sleep_delay减1(系统不繁忙,可能sleep更短的时间就可以进入innodb了)。
4.判断当前等待队列的情况(wating thread的个数),如果waiting thread的个数为0,说明目前等待队列非常空闲,设置srv_thread_sleep_delay为之前的1/2,表示系统很空闲。设置较小的值,避免因为偶尔的性能影响,较大的降低系统性能
if (srv_conc.n_waiting == 0) {
srv_thread_sleep_delay >>= 1;
从上述代码中,我们可以很清楚的看到,通过系统的繁忙状态,来控制wating thread 进行sleep的时间。