Oracle 未写入文档的参数介绍

439阅读 0评论2008-10-29 FTXvviR

    a.ksppinm "Parameter",
    a.ksppdesc "Description",
    b.ksppstvl "Session Value",
    c.ksppstvl "Instance Value"
    x$ksppi a,
    x$ksppcv b,
    x$ksppsv c
   where a.indx = b.indx
    and a.indx = c.indx
    and a.ksppinm like '/_%' escape '/'
   order by 1
  3、美国著名oracle专家Rich Niemiec有14个特别喜欢的undocument parameter,我把原文引入如下:
   a、_ALLOW_RESETLOGS_CORRUPTION -- May be only way to start a db backed up
  open without setting backup on tablespaces, will result in unsupported system. See the
  detailed section for how to use this in a recovery situation.
   b、_CORRUPTED_ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS -- Only way to startup with corrupted public
  rollback segments. Can be used without fear of desupport.
   c、_ALLOW_READ_ONLY_CORRUPTION – Allows you to open a database even if it has
  corruption. This should only be used to export as much data from a corrupted database
  as is possible before recreating a database. You should not use a database for normal
  use that has been opened in this manner as it will not be supported.
   d、_SPIN_COUNT -- Sets the number of spins a process will undergo before trying to get a
  latch. If CPU is not fully loaded a high value may be best, for a fully loaded CPU a
  smaller value may help. Usually defaults to 2000. Can be changed without fear of
  desupport. This parameter flips from being undocumented to documented depending on
  database version.
   e、_LOG_ENTRY_PREBUILD_THRESHOLD – This parameter was documented at one
  time, now it is undocumented. It is the minimum size of entry in blocks that will be prebuilt
  for redo log entries, usually set to 30.
   f、_LATCH_SPIN_COUNT -- Shows how often a latch request will be taken
   g、_DB_BLOCK_WRITE_BATCH – This parameter was documented at one time, but is now
  undocumented. It is the number of blocks that the db writers will write in each batch,
  defaults to 512 or DB_FILES*DB_FILE_SIMULTANEOUS_WRITES/2 up to a limit of ¼
  of the value of DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS.
   h、_CPU_COUNT – This is another parameter that flips from undocumented to
  documented. Should be set automatically but on some platforms it doesn't work, set to
  the number of CPUs. This determines several other parameters.
   i、_INIT_SQL_FILE -- This is the initialization SQL script run by when a db is
  created. This should be sql.bsq, if you change it, you may not be supported.
   j、_TRACE_FILES_PUBLIC -- Changes the privileges on trace files such that everyone can
  read them. Should be OK to change at will.
   k、_FAST_FULL_SCAN_ENABLED -- Enables fast full index scans (or disables them) if
  only indexes are required to resolve the queries. Change this at will.
   l、_CORRUPT_BLOCKS_ON_STUCK_RECOVERY -- Can sometimes get a corrupted db
  up, you probably won't be supported if done without supports blessing, if you use
  it, immediately export the tables you need and rebuild the db.
   m、_ALWAYS_STAR_TRANSFORMATION -- Helps to tune data warehouse queries if you
  have a properly designed data warehouse.
   n、_SMALL_TABLE_THRESHOLD -- Sets the size of table considered a small table, a small
  table is automatically pinned into the buffers when queried. Defaults to 2% in Oracle9i

