
964阅读 0评论2009-08-03 jhluroom

 * linux/kernel/mktime.c
 * (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds

#include <time.h>

 * This isn't the library routine, it is only used in the kernel.
 * as such, we don't care about years<1970 etc, but assume everything
 * is ok. Similarly, TZ etc is happily ignored. We just do everything
 * as easily as possible. Let's find something public for the library
 * routines (although I think minix times is public).

 * PS. I hate whoever though up the year 1970 - couldn't they have gotten
 * a leap-year instead? I also hate Gregorius, pope or no. I'm grumpy.

#define MINUTE 60    //一分钟的秒数

#define HOUR (60*MINUTE)
#define DAY (24*HOUR)
#define YEAR (365*DAY)

/* interestingly, we assume leap-years */
static int month[12] = {

long kernel_mktime(struct tm * tm)//开机时间,由/init/main.c中main函数中调用,参数tm在main函数中已有值

    long res;
    int year;

    year = tm->tm_year - 70;
/* magic offsets (y+1) needed to get leapyears right.*/
    res = YEAR*year + DAY*((year+1)/4);
    res += month[tm->tm_mon];
/* and (y+2) here. If it wasn't a leap-year, we have to adjust */
    if (tm->tm_mon>1 && ((year+2)%4))
        res -= DAY;
    res += DAY*(tm->tm_mday-1);
    res += HOUR*tm->tm_hour;
    res += MINUTE*tm->tm_min;
    res += tm->tm_sec;
    return res;
