Default file locations in OMF

3747阅读 1评论2011-08-07 jackson198574

The following parameters enable database Oracle-Managed File feature:

Default location for datafiles or tempfiles if no file specification is given in the creation operation. Also used as the default location for redo log files and control files if DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_n is not specified.

Default location for redo log files and control files if no file specification is given in the creation operation. You can use this initialization parameter multiple times, where n specifies a multiplexed copy of the redo log or control file. You can specify up to five multiplexed copies.

Default location of RMAN backups if no “format” option is used, archived logs if no other local destination(LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_N) is configured, and flashback logs. Also used as the default location for redo logs and control files if DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_n is not specified.

In an OMF system, the locations for various database files are decided by such an order:

    alter database add standby logfile group 4 size 50M;
    Error line 1:
    Ora-02236: invalid file name
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