
1645阅读 0评论2011-01-11 singerinsky

1. install vim and vim-gnome

sudo apt-get install vim
sudo apt-get install vim-gnome

2. install vim plugin c.vim

download cvim.zip from

if there already have ~/.vim, unzip cvim.zip and copy the files to ~/.vim matched folders.


$ mkdir ~/.vim
$ cd 
$ unzip cvim.zip
Add the following line to the ~/.vimrc to enable the plugin for Vim editor.
$ vim ~/.vimrc
filetype plugin on

for details,following


3.install ctags


tar -xvjpf ctags-5.8.tar.gz

install from source code.

$ tar -xzvf ctags-5.8.tar.gz
$ cd ctags
$ .
$ make
# sudo make install   
// 需要root权限
:set tags=/home/mark/vim71/tags

or set tags in  ~/.vimrc. Now can go the the routine using Ctrl+] and back using Ctrl+T


download TagList from

unzip taglist_45.zip


copy the files in doc and plugin to ~/.vim matched folders



Add the following line to the ~/.vimrc

let Tlist_Show_One_File=1
let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow

and start vim taglist window


5 WinManager

unzip winmanager.zip in ~/.vim

open folder using :e ~/vim71

add  to 


6 G++
apt-get install g++ gdb Makefile

上一篇:VIM 浮云
下一篇:flash send data没有试过,不记得自己当年是怎么作的了。