投票:移动“大云(BigCloud)”-- OpenStack Austin Summit Presentations介绍

5360阅读 0评论2016-02-10 liujunwei1234

演讲1:大规模OpenStack环境中的性能数据分析 - 单Region 1000个物理节点公有云环境

Performance analysis in large-scale deployment - A single thousand-nodes cluster.



(1)道听途说1:nova scheduler默认单进程,所以绝对是个性能瓶颈,顶多能抗住几百物理节点规模下,几百并发的请求,这里的”几百“又有众多版本,有人说300,有人说500,有人说绝对不会超过1000.




    本演讲通过中国移动在公有云单Region 1000个节点规模(30个控制节点,650个计算节点,250个存储结点)的部署架构和测试数据来论证大规模环境OpenStack真正的性能瓶颈所在,详细的优化方法和验证后的大规模环境参考部署架构。


Dvie into the migration of stateful application to DCOS Platform - the practice in China Mobile




演讲3:深入分析并定位nova scheduler的性能瓶颈
Dive into nova scheduler performance - Where is the bottleneck?

There are always rumors around nova scheduler. Like "Scheduler can handle at most 1k nodes without problems" or "I don't believe scheduler can handle so much requests using only one tiny process". Some would prefer to launch couples of scheduler instances to multiply the schedule throughput, but still others might worry about race conditions and decision conflicts that could outweigh the benefits. Cloud users are interested in the deployment strategies to maximize the schedule performance, and developers are curious about the mystery of race condition and its performance impact. Guesses and speculations are everywhere without evidences. So let's do some experiments and let data do the talk!

What is the problem or use case you’re addressing in this session?

When deploy OpenStack, it is very hard to predict how good a single nova scheduler instance can handle the coming requests. And when the single scheduler is saturated with requests, there is also no evidences that running multiple schedulers can mitigate the situation.

Most developers are still not sure whether scheduler has been implemented to reach the performance design goal(i.e. 1k nodes BUT without specifying the overhead of requests).

This session is trying to answer the above questions by analyzing nova scheduler under various scenarios.

上一篇:openstack image list: error: unrecognized arguments: --property status=active