线程同步Synchronization 和死锁Deadlock

5130阅读 0评论2014-07-01 tkchks


线程就像图书借阅者,线程从资源池中借资源。线程通过共享内存、文件处理、sockets和其他资源让程序更加高效。只要两个线程不想同时使用相同的资源,多线程比多进程更高效,因为每个进程需要keep its own copy of every resource。

public void run() {
	try {
		FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename);
		MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
		DigestInputStream din = new DigestInputStream(in, sha);
		while (din.read() != -1) ; // read entire file
		byte[] digest = sha.digest();
		System.out.print(input + ": ");
	} catch (IOException ex) {
	} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {

Triangle.java: B4C7AF1BAE952655A96517476BF9DAC97C4AF02411E40DD386FECB58D94CC769
InterfaceLister.java: Squares.java: UlpPrinter.java:

Synchronized Blocks

You need a way to assign exclusive access to a shared resource to one thread for a specific series of statements.

synchronized (System.out) {
    System.out.print(input + ": ");

Synchronization forces all code that synchronizes on the same object to run in series, never in parallel.

假设,你的web服务器保存一个 logfile.这个logfile用下面的类LogFile表示。这个类本身没有使用多线程。但是,如果web服务器使用多线程处理连接,那么每个连接,都需要访问相同的logfile,也就是同一个LogFile 对象。

imporngt java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class LogFile {
	private Writer out;
	public LogFile(File f) throws IOException {
		FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f);
		this.out = new BufferedWriter(fw);
	public void writeEntry(String message) throws IOException {
		Date d = new Date();
	public void close() throws IOException {

这里有两种选择:同步Writer out对象,或者同步LogFile 对象。


public void writeEntry(String message) throws IOException {
	synchronized (out) {
		Date d = new Date();

This works because all the threads that use this LogFile object also use the same out
object that’s part of that LogFile. It doesn’t matter that out is private. Although it is used by the other threads and objects, it’s referenced only within the LogFile class.


public void writeEntry(String message) throws IOException {
	synchronized (this) {
		Date d = new Date();

Synchronized Methods

Because synchronizing the entire method body on the object itself is such a common thing to do, Java provides a shortcut. You can synchronize an entire method on the current object (the this reference) by adding the synchronized modifier to the method declaration.

public synchronized void writeEntry(String message) throws IOException {
	Date d = new Date();

简单的给所有的方法添加synchronized 关键词,不能解决所有的同步问题。这样做会带来以下问题:性能损耗;增加死锁的机会;通常需要同步的并不是对象本身。

For instance, in this example, what you’re really trying to prevent is two threads simultaneously writing onto out. If some other class had a reference to out completely unrelated to the LogFile, this attempt would fail. However, in this example, synchronizing on the LogFile object is sufficient because out is a private instance variable. Because you never expose a reference to this object, there’s no way for any other object to invoke its methods except through the LogFile class. Therefore, synchronizing on the Log File object has the same effect as synchronizing on out.


The first is to use local variables instead of fields wherever possible.本地变量没有同步的问题。每次进入一个方法时,虚拟机都会为方法创建新的本地变量。本地变量对于方法外部是不可见的,当方法执行完时,本地变量就被销毁了。总之,一个本地变量不可能被两个不同的线程共享。每个线程都有自己的单独的局部变量。

Method arguments of primitive types are also safe from modification in separate threads because Java passes arguments by value rather than by reference. A corollary of this is that pure functions such as Math.sqrt() that take zero or more primitive data type arguments, perform some calculation, and return a value without ever interacting with the fields of any class are inherently thread safe. These methods often either are or should be declared static.

To make an object immutable, simply declare all its fields private and final and don’t write any methods that can change them.
A lot of classes in the core Java library are immutable (e.g., java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double, and many more).

A third technique is to use a thread-unsafe class but only as a private field of a class that is thread safe. As long as the containing class accesses the unsafe class only in a threadsafe fashion and as long as it never lets a reference to the private field leak out into
another object, the class is safe. An example of this technique might be a web server that uses an unsynchronized LogFile class but gives each separate thread its own separate log so no resources are shared between the individual threads.

In some cases, you can use a designedly thread-safe but mutable class from the java.util.concurrent.atomic package. In particular, rather than using an int, you can use an AtomicInteger. Rather than using a long, you can use an AtomicLong. Rather than using a boolean, you can use an AtomicBoolean. Rather than using an int[], you can use an AtomicIntegerArray. Rather than a reference variable, you can store an object inside an AtomicReference, though note well that this doesn’t make the object itself thread safe, just the getting and setting of the reference variable. These classes may be faster than synchronized access to their respective primitive types if they can take advantage of fast machine-level thread-safe instructions on modern CPUs.

For collections such as maps and lists, you can wrap them in a thread-safe version using the methods of java.util.Collections.
For instance, if you have a set foo, you can get a thread-safe view of this set with Collections.synchronizedSet(foo).
If you have a list foo, you’d use Collections.synchronizedList(foo) instead.
For a map, call Collections.synchronizedMap(foo), and so forth.
In order for this to work, you must henceforth use only the view returned by Collections.synchronizedSet/List/Map.
If at any point you access the original, underlying data structure, neither the original nor the synchronized view will be thread safe.

In all cases, realize that it’s just a single method invocation that is atomic. If you need to perform two operations on the atomic value in succession without possible interruption, you’ll still need to synchronize. Thus, for instance, even if a list is synchronized via
Collections.synchronizedList(), you’ll still need to synchronize on it if you want to iterate through the list because that involves many consecutive atomic operations. Although each method call is safely atomic, the sequence of operations is not without explicit synchronization.


Forinstance, if class A and class B need exclusive access to object X and object Y, make sure that both classes request X first and Y second. If neither requests Y unless it already possesses X, deadlock is not a problem.

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