some time your application may not added in open with list although it is install in your system.
for example I use idle to open python source file ( but it is not include in open with list or default app.
to add any app as a default app or open with list :-
1) goto /usr/share/applications folder and see your app is there or not.
if not create launcher. ///// more info see how to create luncher
name: idle /// need to cread a .desktop file
command: app-name
2) go to /home/user-name/.local/share/applications and open mimeapps.list
(gedit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list)
and add it as
[Default Applications] // as a default app
[Added Associations] // in the open with list
How to add in mimeapps.list
2) open mimeapps.list to edit
add a line as:
text/x-python=idle.desktop // type = create launcher name . desktop
3) save mimeapps.list
you will see the effect.
thanks to read.