During the course of app development, you perform a lot of operations in Xcode. If you need assistance with a task, Xcode provides workflow-sensitive help, which you can access directly from the Xcode user interface. This assistance includes easy-to-follow steps, videos or screenshots, and concise descriptions that help you get back to work quickly.
1. In your HelloWorld project, select HelloWorldViewController.h in the project navigator to display the header file in the source editor.
2. If you are reading this document in the Xcode document organizer, locate its Go Back button. You will need to click it to return to this document after performing the remaining steps.
3. Control-click anywhere in the source editor.
A contextual menu opens in which Source Editor Help is the final item.
4. Choose Source Editor Help to display a list of common source editor tasks.
5. Choose Source Editor Help > Catching Mistakes with Fix-it to see a help article in the document organizer.
6. Click the thumbnail image to play an instructional video.