
4358阅读 0评论2012-04-25 g_programming




安装:apt-get install dnotify


Usage: dnotify [OPTION]... DIRECTORY... [-e COMMAND...]

Execute a command every time the contents of a directory change.



  -A, --access             trigger when a file in the directory was accessed

  -M, --modify             trigger when a file in the directory was modified

  -C, --create             trigger when a file was created in the directory

  -D, --delete             trigger whan a file was unlinked from the directory

  -R, --rename             trigger when a file in the directory was renamed

  -B, --attrib             trigger when the directory had its attributes

                           changed (after chmod, chown)

  -a, --all                all of the above



  -e, --execute=COMMAND..  command to execute when an event is triggered

                           (all remaining args are treated as command args)

  -f, --file=FILE          read directories to monitor from FILE, one per line

  -p, --processes=COUNT    max number of commands to run at a time

  -q, --queue=DEPTH        max depth of queue holding commands to be run

  -t, --times=COUNT        exit after running the command COUNT times

  -o, --once               same as `--times 1'

  -r, --recursive          monitor subdirectories too (recursively)

  -b, --background         run in background (detach)

  -s, --silent             don't print warnings about non-zero child exits

      --quiet              same as `--silent'

      --help               display this help and exit

      --version            output version information and exit


Unless events have been specified, the events are set to create and delete.


Specifying -1 for queue means unlimited depth. The default value for --queue

is -1, and 1 for --processes.


The default command (unless specified with -e) is to print the name of the

of the directory updated. The string `{}' in the command specification is

replaced by the name of the directory that was updated.


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