- ;; mht created on Nov 8, 2011
;; profit : number number -> number
;; to compute the profit as the difference between revenue and costs at some given ticket-price
;; example : (profit 5) should be (- 600 184.8)
(define (profit ticket-price)
(- (revenue ticket-price)
(costs ticket-price)))
;; revenue : number -> number
;; to compute the revenue given ticket-price
;; example : (revenue 5) should be (* 5 120)
(define (revenue ticket-price)
(* ticket-price
(attendees ticket-price)))
;; costs : number -> number
;; to compute the costs given ticket-price
;; example : (costs 5) should be (+ 180 (* 120 0.04))
(define (costs ticket-price)
(+ 180 (
* .04 (attendees ticket-price))))
;; attendees : number -> number
;; to compute the number of attendees, given ticket-price
;; example : (attendees 5) should be 120
;; (attendees 3) should be 420
;; (attendees 4) should be 270
(define (attendees ticket-price)
(+ 120
(* (/ 15 .10) (- 5.00 ticket-price))))
;; test:
(attendees 4)
(costs 5)
(profit 3)
(profit 4)
(profit 5)
;; new-costs: number -> number
;; to compute the costs given ticket-price
(define (new-costs ticket-price)
(* 1.54 (attendees ticket-price)))
;; test
;(new-costs 5)
;; new-profit
(define (new-profit ticket-price)
(- (revenue ticket-price)
(new-costs ticket-price)))
(new-profit 3)
(new-profit 4)
- (new-profit 5)