snort3: DAQ

3710阅读 0评论2020-12-16 静默梧桐

下面是snort3的一个抽象的框架图, 要介绍的DAQ是sniffer部分;


├── afpacket
├── bpf
├── divert
├── dump
├── fst
├── netmap
├── nfq
├── pcap
└── trace

?Pcap: default DAQ
?AFPACKET: similar to the memory mapped pcap DAQ but no external library is required
?NFQ: built on top of the Linux netfilter packet filtering framework; the module operates on packets queued by the kernel packet filter for userspace consumption via the NFQUEUE mechanism, usually controlled by iptables rules. 
?Dump: A wrapper DAQ module that presents the configuration stack as inline-interface- and injection-capable.
?Netmap: built on top of the netmap project; The netmap project is a framework for very high speed packet I/O.
?FST: The Flow State Table (FST) DAQ module is a wrapper module that mimics operating on top of a flow-tracking dataplane.

上一篇:snort3 for arm64
下一篇:perf probe实例