
1030阅读 0评论2014-03-21 xiaoyao3857







  1. // CloudSim类的静态方法,该方法在所有的实体被创建和加载之后调用,开始执行CloudSim仿真,直到所有的实体完全执行

  2.     // (所有的实体线程到达non-RUNNABLE状态或者在future队列中没有事件)才结束。

  3.     public static double startSimulation() throws NullPointerException {
  4.         Log.printLine("Starting CloudSim version " + CLOUDSIM_VERSION_STRING);
  5.         try {
  6.             // 开始仿真至结束

  7.             double clock = run();

  8.             // reset all static variables

  9.             // 仿真结束,重设所有的静态变量

  10.             cisId = -1;
  11.             shutdownId = -1;
  12.             cis = null;
  13.             calendar = null;
  14.             traceFlag = false;

  15.             return clock;
  16.         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
  17.             e.printStackTrace();
  18.             throw new NullPointerException("CloudSim.startCloudSimulation() :"
  19.                     + " Error - you haven't initialized CloudSim.");
  20.         }
  21.     }


  1. // 开始仿真直到结束仿真

  2.     public static double run() {
  3.         if (!running) {
  4.             runStart(); // 开始仿真,start所有实体    
  5.         }
  6.     .......
  7.     }


  1. // 启动仿真实体

  2.     public static void runStart() {
  3.         running = true;
  4.         // Start all the entities

  5.         for (SimEntity ent : entities) {
  6.             Log.printLine("实体名称:"+ent.getName());
  7.             // 每个实体都继承了SimEntity类的startEntity()方法,实际工作是向其他实体发送一个请求事件,

  8.             // 并将该事件添加到future队列中。

  9.             ent.startEntity();
  10.         }

  11.         printMessage("Entities started.");
  12.     }


  1. // 启动云实体
  2.     @Override
  3.     public void startEntity() {
  4.         Log.printLine(getName() + " is starting...");
  5.         // 通过id和数据向另一个实体发送事件,请求数据中心特征
  6.         schedule(getId(), 0, CloudSimTags.RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS_REQUEST);
  7.     }


  1. // 向另外一个实体发送关联事件

  2.     public void schedule(int dest, double delay, int tag, Object data) {
  3.         if (!CloudSim.running()) {
  4.             return;
  5.         }
  6.         CloudSim.send(id, dest, delay, tag, data);
  7.     }


  1. // 一个实体向另一个实体发送事件

  2.     public static void send(int src, int dest, double delay, int tag, Object data) {
  3.         // 事件发生的延时不能为负值

  4.         if (delay < 0) {
  5.             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Send delay can't be negative.");
  6.         }

  7.         // 创建一个仿真事件对象

  8.         SimEvent e = new SimEvent(SimEvent.SEND, clock + delay, src, dest, tag, data);
  9.         Log.printLine("````````````````````"+e.getTag());
  10.         // 将创建的事件添加到等待队列中

  11.         future.addEvent(e);
  12.     }



  1. // 开始仿真直到结束仿真

  2.     public static double run() {
  3.         if (!running) {
  4.             runStart(); // 开始仿真,start所有实体
  5.         }
  6.         while (true) {
  7.             // 运行一个时钟心跳如果future中没有事件了,则runClockTick()返回true,或者突然中断,while循环终止,仿真结束。
  8.             if (runClockTick() || abruptTerminate) {
  9.                 break;
  10.             }

  11.             // this block allows termination of simulation at a specific time
  12.             // 允许在特定的时间点终止仿真。
  13.             if (terminateAt > 0.0 && clock >= terminateAt) {
  14.                 terminateSimulation(); // 终止仿真

  15.                 clock = terminateAt;
  16.                 break;
  17.             }
  18.             // 在某一时刻(pauseAt)暂停仿真
  19.             if (pauseAt != -1
  20.                     && ((future.size() > 0 && clock <= pauseAt && pauseAt <= future.iterator().next()
  21.                             .eventTime()) || future.size() == 0 && pauseAt <= clock)) {
  22.                 pauseSimulation(); // 设置paused为true

  23.                 clock = pauseAt;
  24.             }

  25.             // 如果paused为true,则线程休眠100毫秒,但是何时会重新设置paused为false,终止暂定仿真呢?
  26.             while (paused) {
  27.                 try {
  28.                     Thread.sleep(100);
  29.                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  30.                     e.printStackTrace();
  31.                 }
  32.             }
  33.         }
  34.         ........
  35.     }


  1.     // 运行一个时钟滴答,首先处理延时队列(deferred)中跟各个实体相关的事件。当延时队列为空时,
  2.     // 处理等待队列(future)中的事件,问题是deferred中的事件是何时从future中添加过来的?
  3.     public static boolean runClockTick() {
  4.         SimEntity ent;
  5.         boolean queue_empty;
  6.         int entities_size = entities.size(); // 实体的个数

  7.         for (int i = 0; i < entities_size; i++) { // 逐个获取实体

  8.             ent = entities.get(i);
  9.             if (ent.getState() == SimEntity.RUNNABLE) { // 设置实体状态为RUNNABLE
  10.                 // run()是各实体类继承了SimEntity类的方法,作用是处理与各个实体相关的事件。
  11.       ;
  12.             }
  13.         }

  14.         // If there are more future events then deal with them
  15.         // 等待队列中还有未处理的事件
  16.         if (future.size() > 0) {
  17.             List<SimEvent> toRemove = new ArrayList<SimEvent>();
  18.             Iterator<SimEvent> it = future.iterator();
  19.             queue_empty = false;
  20.             SimEvent first =;
  21.             processEvent(first);// 直接处理了!事件何时添加到future队列中呢?

  22.             future.remove(first);

  23.             it = future.iterator();

  24.             // Check if next events are at same time...
  25.             boolean trymore = it.hasNext();
  26.             while (trymore) {
  27.                 SimEvent next =;
  28.                 // 检查下一个事件的时间是否相同,相同则处理下一个事件,因为必须在同一个时钟心跳。
  29.                 if (next.eventTime() == first.eventTime()) {
  30.                     processEvent(next);
  31.                     toRemove.add(next);
  32.                     trymore = it.hasNext();
  33.                 } else {
  34.                     trymore = false;
  35.                 }
  36.             }

  37.             future.removeAll(toRemove);

  38.         } else {
  39.             queue_empty = true;
  40.             running = false;
  41.             printMessage("Simulation: No more future events");
  42.         }

  43.         return queue_empty;
  44.     }


  1.     //所有的实体都直接继承了run()方法,并没有重写。
  2.     public void run() {

  3.         // evbuf如果为null,则ev=getNextEvent(),否则ev=evbuf.
  4.         // getNextEvent():获取延时队列(deferred)中第一个事件(可算找到你了)
  5.         SimEvent ev = evbuf != null ? evbuf : getNextEvent();
  7.         while (ev != null) {

  8.             // 每个实体类都有自己的processEvent()方法,哪个实体调用了run()方法,就会调用其processEvent()方法。
  9.             processEvent(ev);
  10.             if (state != RUNNABLE) {
  11.                 break;
  12.             }

  13.             ev = getNextEvent();
  14.         }

  15.         evbuf = null;
  16.     }


  1. // DatacenterBroker重载的processEvent()方法
  2. public void processEvent(SimEvent ev) {
  3.         switch (ev.getTag()) {
  4.         // Resource characteristics request

  5.             case CloudSimTags.RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS_REQUEST:
  6.                 processResourceCharacteristicsRequest(ev);
  7.                 break;
  8.             // Resource characteristics answer

  9.             case CloudSimTags.RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS:
  10.                 processResourceCharacteristics(ev);
  11.                 break;
  12.             // VM Creation answer

  13.             case CloudSimTags.VM_CREATE_ACK:
  14.                 processVmCreate(ev);
  15.                 break;
  16.             // A finished cloudlet returned

  17.             case CloudSimTags.CLOUDLET_RETURN:
  18.                 processCloudletReturn(ev);
  19.                 break;
  20.             // if the simulation finishes

  21.             case CloudSimTags.END_OF_SIMULATION:
  22.                 shutdownEntity();
  23.                 break;
  24.             // other unknown tags are processed by this method

  25.             default:
  26.                 processOtherEvent(ev);
  27.                 break;
  28.         }
  29.     }



  1. // 开始仿真直到结束仿真

  2.     public static double run() {
  3.         if (!running) {
  4.             runStart(); // 开始仿真,start所有实体

  5.         }
  6.         while (true) {
  7.             // 运行一个时钟心跳如果future中没有事件了,则runClockTick()返回true,或者突然中断,while循环终止,仿真结束。
  8.             if (runClockTick() || abruptTerminate) {
  9.                 break;
  10.             }

  11.             // this block allows termination of simulation at a specific time
  12.             // 允许在特定的时间点终止仿真。
  13.             if (terminateAt > 0.0 && clock >= terminateAt) {
  14.                 terminateSimulation(); // 终止仿真

  15.                 clock = terminateAt;
  16.                 break;
  17.             }

  18.             // 在某一时刻(pauseAt)暂停仿真
  19.             if (pauseAt != -1
  20.                     && (