- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<malloc.h>
- typedef int datatype;
- #define ENDKEY 0
- typedef struct BSTree
- {
- datatype data;
- struct BSTree *lchild;
- struct BSTree *rchild;
- }BSTreenode,*BSTree;
- typedef struct node
- {
- BSTree BST;
- struct node *next;
- }QueueNode;
- typedef struct Queue
- {
- QueueNode *front;
- QueueNode *tail;
- }Queue;
- void InitQueue(Queue *Q)
- {
- Q->front=(QueueNode *)malloc(sizeof(QueueNode));
- if(Q->front)/*初始化为一个空的队列*/
- {
- Q->tail=Q->front;
- Q->front->next=NULL;
- }
- }
- void EnterQueue(Queue *Q,BSTree p)
- {
- QueueNode *newnode;
- newnode=(QueueNode *)malloc(sizeof(QueueNode));
- if(newnode)
- {
- newnode->BST=p;
- newnode->next=NULL;
- Q->tail->next=newnode;
- Q->tail=newnode;
- }
- }
- void DeQueue(Queue *Q,BSTree *p)
- {
- QueueNode *q;
- if(Q->front==Q->tail)
- return ;
- q=Q->front->next;
- Q->front->next=q->next;
- if(Q->tail==q)
- Q->tail=Q->front;
- *p=q->BST;
- free(q);
- }
- int Empty(Queue Q)
- {
- if(Q.front==Q.tail)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- void Output(BSTree BT)//利用队列层析显示二叉排序树的初始状态元素
- {
- Queue Q;
- BSTree p,q;
- InitQueue(&Q);
- q=p=BT;
- if(p)
- EnterQueue(&Q,p);
- while(!Empty(Q))
- {
- DeQueue(&Q,&q);
- printf("%3d",q->data);
- if(q->lchild)
- EnterQueue(&Q,q->lchild);
- if(q->rchild)
- EnterQueue(&Q,q->rchild);
- }
- }
- void InsertBT(BSTree *BT,datatype key)//插入方式建立二叉树
- {
- BSTreenode *bst;
- if((*BT)==NULL)
- {
- bst=(BSTreenode *)malloc(sizeof(BSTreenode));
- bst->data=key;
- bst->lchild=NULL;
- bst->rchild=NULL;
- *BT=bst;
- }
- else if(key<(*BT)->data)//小于根的元素放到左子树
- {
- InsertBT(&((*BT)->lchild),key);
- }
- else if(key>(*BT)->data)//大于根的元素放到右子树
- {
- InsertBT(&((*BT)->rchild),key);
- }
- }
- void Create_BSTree(BSTree *BT)
- {
- datatype key;
- (*BT)=NULL;
- printf("Input the key (input 0 to end the input ):");
- scanf("%d",&key);
- while(key!=ENDKEY)
- {
- InsertBT(BT,key);
- scanf("%d",&key);
- }
- }
- void InorderOutput(BSTree *BT)//利用中序遍历输出二叉树的元素
- {
- if(*BT)
- {
- InorderOutput(&((*BT)->lchild));
- printf("%3d",(*BT)->data);
- InorderOutput(&((*BT)->rchild));
- }
- }
- BSTree FindBT(BSTree BT,int key)
- {
- BSTree p;
- p=BT;
- while(p)
- {
- if(p->data==key) return p;
- else if(key<p->data) p=p->lchild;
- else p=p->rchild;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- BSTree DeleteKey(BSTree BT,int key)
- {
- BSTree f,p,s,q;
- p=BT;
- f=NULL;
- while(p)
- {
- if(p->data==key) break;
- f=p;
- if(p->data<key) p=p->rchild;
- else
- p=p->lchild;
- }
- if(p==NULL)
- printf("Cannot find the data\n");
- if(p->lchild==NULL&&p->rchild==NULL)//如果p是叶子节点
- {
- if(f)
- {
- if(f->lchild==p)
- f->lchild=NULL;
- else
- f->rchild=NULL;
- }
- free(p);
- printf("the data has been deleted\n");
- return BT;
- }
- if(p->lchild==NULL)//要找的结点没有左子树
- {
- if(f==NULL)
- BT=p->rchild;
- else if(f->lchild==p)
- f->lchild=p->lchild;
- else
- f->rchild=p->rchild;
- free(p);
- }
- else//要找的结点有左子树
- {
- q=p;
- s=p->lchild;
- while(s->rchild)
- {
- q=s;
- s=s->rchild;
- }
- if(p==q) q->lchild=s->lchild;
- else
- q->rchild=s->lchild;
- p->data=s->data;
- free(s);
- }
- return BT;
- }
- void main()
- {
- BSTreenode *BT,*find,*BST;
- int key;
- int Delete_key;
- Create_BSTree(&BT);//创建一颗二叉树
- Output(BT);
- printf("\nafter Inorder the tree as follow :\n");
- InorderOutput(&BT);//中序遍历可以把二叉树按递增的顺序输出
- printf("\nInput the data you wan to find :");
- scanf("%d",&key);
- find=FindBT(BT,key);
- if(find)
- printf("find the data %d\n",find->data);
- else
- printf("cannot find the data\n");
- printf("Input the data you want to delete: ");
- scanf("%d",&Delete_key);
- BST=DeleteKey(BT,Delete_key);
- InorderOutput(&BST);//删除后再次显示二叉树序列
- printf("\n");
- }