
6980阅读 0评论2016-05-16 芸锺鹤

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3. 源码详解:
File: pppd/main.c
int main(argc, argv)
    int argc;  char *argv[];                       #NOTE: 注意这种定义命令行参数的形式
    int i, t;
    char *p;
    struct passwd *pw;
    struct protent *protp;
    char numbuf[16];

    strlcpy(path_ipup, _PATH_IPUP, sizeof(path_ipup));              
    strlcpy(path_ipdown, _PATH_IPDOWN, sizeof(path_ipdown));      
    strlcpy(path_ipv6up, _PATH_IPV6UP, sizeof(path_ipv6up));         
    strlcpy(path_ipv6down, _PATH_IPV6DOWN, sizeof(path_ipv6down));      
 # File:  pathnames.h
 # #ifndef _ROOT_PATH   #NOTE:该变量通常未定义
 # #define _ROOT_PATH
 # #endif
 # #define _PATH_IPUP        _ROOT_PATH "/etc/ppp/ip-up"     #NOTE: 端口up时调用的脚本
 # #define _PATH_IPDOWN    _ROOT_PATH "/etc/ppp/ip-down" #NOTE: 端口down时调用的脚本

    link_stats_valid = 0;        #NOTE: 记录pppd链接状态的全局变量
    new_phase(PHASE_INITIALIZE); #NOTE: new_phase()函数为pppd状态机函数,此处定义状态机为“初始化阶段”

    script_env = NULL;

    /* Initialize syslog facilities */
    reopen_log(); #NOTE: 调用openlog()打开日志

    if (gethostname(hostname, MAXNAMELEN) < 0 ) { #NOTE:获取主机名,并存储在hostname数组中
        option_error("Couldn't get hostname: %m");
    hostname[MAXNAMELEN-1] = 0;    

    /* make sure we don't create world or group writable files. */
    umask(umask(0777) | 022);

    uid = getuid();
    privileged = uid == 0;
    slprintf(numbuf, sizeof(numbuf), "%d", uid);
    script_setenv("ORIG_UID", numbuf, 0);

    ngroups = getgroups(NGROUPS_MAX, groups);

     * Initialize magic number generator now so that protocols may
     * use magic numbers in initialization.
    magic_init(); #NOTE: 随机数种子初始
     * Initialize each protocol.
    for (i = 0; (protp = protocols[i]) != NULL; ++i)
        (*protp->init)(0);                    #NOTE: 遍历全局协议调用各个协议的初始化方法
                                                      #            详见"pppd协议集合"

  * Initialize the default channel.
    tty_init();  #NOTE:tty相关初始化
    progname = *argv; 
     * Parse, in order, the system options file, the user's options file,
     * and the command line arguments.
    if (!options_from_file(_PATH_SYSOPTIONS, !privileged, 0, 1) 
        || !options_from_user()
        || !parse_args(argc-1, argv+1)) 
    devnam_fixed = 1;           /* can no longer change device name */

# 从此处可以看出,pppd运行的参数来源有三个:
#  options_from_file():  从配置文件中读取参数   #define _PATH_SYSOPTIONS _ROOT_PATH "/etc/ppp/options"
#       options_from_user():从用户文件中读取参数
#       parse_args(): 从命令行参数中读取参数
#    三个函数:返回1时依次解析下一项目,返回0时pppd执行结束
#    详见"pppd参数解析"

     * Work out the device name, if it hasn't already been specified,
     * and parse the tty's options file.
    if (the_channel->process_extra_options)

    if (debug)              #NOTE: 若开启了debug选项,则设置日志掩码

     * Check that we are running as root.
    if (geteuid() != 0) {   #NOTE: 检测root权限
        option_error("must be root to run %s, since it is not setuid-root",

    if (!ppp_available()) { #NOTE:检测内核是否支持ppp,即内核选项是否配置
        option_error("%s", no_ppp_msg);

     * Check that the options given are valid and consistent.
    check_options();   #NOTE:检测日志套接字
    if (!sys_check_options())  #NOTE:系统选项检测,如驱动风格
    auth_check_options();  #NOTE:认证选项检测
    for (i = 0; (protp = protocols[i]) != NULL; ++i)
        if (protp->check_options != NULL)
            (*protp->check_options)();  #NOTE:协议选项检测

    if (the_channel->check_options) 
        (*the_channel->check_options)(); #NOTE:通道选项检测
    if (dump_options || dryrun) {  #NOTE: dump_options选项用于输出命令字选项
        init_pr_log(NULL, LOG_INFO);
        print_options(pr_log, NULL);

    if (dryrun)  #NOTE: 调试选项dryrun用于解析并输出options后退出程序

    /* Make sure fds 0, 1, 2 are open to somewhere. */
    fd_devnull = open(_PATH_DEVNULL, O_RDWR);   #NOTE:打开/dev/null设备
    if (fd_devnull < 0)
        fatal("Couldn't open %s: %m", _PATH_DEVNULL);

    while (fd_devnull <= 2) {  #NOTE: 将标准输入,输出,出错重定向到/dev/null
        i = dup(fd_devnull);
        if (i < 0)
            fatal("Critical shortage of file descriptors: dup failed: %m");
        fd_devnull = i;

     * Initialize system-dependent stuff.
    sys_init();   #NOTE:sock_fd数据包套接字初始化

#ifdef USE_TDB
    pppdb = tdb_open(_PATH_PPPDB, 0, 0, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644);
    if (pppdb != NULL) {
        slprintf(db_key, sizeof(db_key), "pppd%d", getpid());
    } else {
        warn("Warning: couldn't open ppp database %s", _PATH_PPPDB);
        if (multilink) {
            warn("Warning: disabling multilink");
            multilink = 0;

     * Detach ourselves from the terminal, if required,
     * and identify who is running us.
    if (!nodetach && !updetach)  #NOTE: 脱离控制终端控制选项

    p = getlogin();  #NOTE:获取登录用户名
    if (p == NULL) {
        pw = getpwuid(uid);
        if (pw != NULL && pw->pw_name != NULL)
            p = pw->pw_name;
            p = "(unknown)";
    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "pppd %s started by %s, uid %d", VERSION, p, uid);
    script_setenv("PPPLOGNAME", p, 0); #NOTE:设置环境变量PPPLOGNAME为登录用户名

    if (devnam[0])  
        script_setenv("DEVICE", devnam, 1); #NOTE:设置环境变量DEVICE为设备名
    slprintf(numbuf, sizeof(numbuf), "%d", getpid());
    script_setenv("PPPD_PID", numbuf, 1);  #NOTE:设置环境变量PPPD_PID为当前pppd的pid

    setup_signals(); #NOTE: 信号注册

    create_linkpidfile(getpid()); #NOTE:根据linkname选项设置创建pid文件,若未指定则不创建

    waiting = 0;

     * If we're doing dial-on-demand, set up the interface now.
    if (demand) {  #NOTE: demand选项控制用于设置接口属性,如修改接口名
         * Open the loopback channel and set it up to be the ppp interface.
        fd_loop = open_ppp_loopback(); #NOTE: 打开ppp套接字
         * Configure the interface and mark it up, etc.

    do_callback = 0;
    for (;;) {

        bundle_eof = 0;
        bundle_terminating = 0;
        listen_time = 0;
        need_holdoff = 1;
        devfd = -1;
        status = EXIT_OK;
        doing_callback = do_callback;
        do_callback = 0;

        if (demand && !doing_callback) { #NOTE: 定义demand选项后满足该条件
             * Don't do anything until we see some activity.
            new_phase(PHASE_DORMANT); #NOTE: 更新状态为DORMANT
            add_fd(fd_loop); #NOTE:将ppp套接字加入套接字集合
            for (;;) {
                handle_events(); #NOTE: 事件处理
                if (asked_to_quit) #NOTE: 接收到结束信号
                if (get_loop_output()) #NOTE: 读取ppp输出包决定是否实际启动ppp接口

            if (asked_to_quit)

             * Now we want to bring up the link.
            info("Starting link");

        check_time();  #NOTE:时间检测
        gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);
        script_unsetenv("CONNECT_TIME"); #NOTE: 复位环境变量CONNECT_TIME
        script_unsetenv("BYTES_SENT");         #NOTE: 复位环境变量BYTES_SENT
        script_unsetenv("BYTES_RCVD");         #NOTE: 复位环境变量BYTES_RCVD

        lcp_open(0);            /* Start protocol */ #NOTE: 启动lcp协议
        start_link(0);   #NOTE: 启动PPP链接
        while (phase != PHASE_DEAD) { #NOTE: 当状态不是结束状态PHASE_DEAD时,进行事件循环处理
            if (kill_link)
                lcp_close(0, "User request");
            if (asked_to_quit) {
                bundle_terminating = 1;
                if (phase == PHASE_MASTER)

            if (open_ccp_flag) {
                if (phase == PHASE_NETWORK || phase == PHASE_RUNNING) {
                    ccp_fsm[0].flags = OPT_RESTART; /* clears OPT_SILENT */
        /* restore FSMs to original state */
        lcp_close(0, ""); #NOTE:当状态机为PHASE_DEAD时,关闭lcp链接

        if (!persist || asked_to_quit || (maxfail > 0 && unsuccess >= maxfail)) #NOTE:满足退出条件时,跳出循环

        if (demand)
        t = need_holdoff? holdoff: 0;
        if (holdoff_hook)
            t = (*holdoff_hook)();
        if (t > 0) {
            TIMEOUT(holdoff_end, NULL, t);
            do {
                if (kill_link)
                    new_phase(PHASE_DORMANT); /* allow signal to end holdoff */
            } while (phase == PHASE_HOLDOFF);
            if (!persist)

    /* Wait for scripts to finish */
    if (n_children > 0) {
        if (child_wait > 0)
            TIMEOUT(childwait_end, NULL, child_wait);
        if (debug) {
            struct subprocess *chp;
            dbglog("Waiting for %d child processes...", n_children);
            for (chp = children; chp != NULL; chp = chp->next)
                dbglog("  script %s, pid %d", chp->prog, chp->pid);
        while (n_children > 0 && !childwait_done) {
            if (kill_link && !childwait_done)

    return 0;

int phase;
# 该状态机变量的取值定义如下:
# File: pppd.h
# #define PHASE_DEAD                 0
# #define PHASE_INITIALIZE          1
#define PHASE_SERIALCONN      2
# #define PHASE_DORMANT          3
# #define PHASE_ESTABLISH         4 
# #define PHASE_CALLBACK          6
#define PHASE_NETWORK          7 
# #define PHASE_RUNNING           8
# #define PHASE_TERMINATE        9
#define PHASE_DISCONNECT     10
# #define PHASE_HOLDOFF           11
# #define PHASE_MASTER             12

void new_phase(p)
    int p;
    phase = p;
    if (new_phase_hook)       #NOTE: 函数new_phase_hook()钩子函数默认为空,此处预留来为当状态发生改变时需要进行
        (*new_phase_hook)(p); #           处理的预留钩子函数
    notify(phasechange, p);

void notify(notif, val)
    struct notifier *notif;
    int val;
    struct notifier *np;

    while ((np = notif) != 0) {
        notif = np->next;
        (*np->func)(np->arg, val);

File: pppd.h
struct protent {
       u_short protocol;           /* PPP protocol number */
       void (*init) __P((int unit));  /* Initialization procedure */
       void (*input) __P((int unit, u_char *pkt, int len));    /* Process a received packet */
       void (*protrej) __P((int unit));    /* Process a received protocol-reject */
           void (*lowerup) __P((int unit));    /* Lower layer has come up */
           void (*lowerdown) __P((int unit));    /* Lower layer has gone down */
           void (*open) __P((int unit));    /* Open the protocol */
           void (*close) __P((int unit, char *reason));    /* Close the protocol */
           int  (*printpkt) __P((u_char *pkt, int len, printer_func printer,void *arg));    /* Print a packet in readable form */ 
           void (*datainput) __P((int unit, u_char *pkt, int len));    /* Process a received data packet */
           bool enabled_flag;          /* 0 iff protocol is disabled */
           char *name;                 /* Text name of protocol */
           char *data_name;            /* Text name of corresponding data protocol */
           option_t *options;          /* List of command-line options */
           void (*check_options) __P((void));    /* Check requested options, assign defaults */
           int  (*demand_conf) __P((int unit));    /* Configure interface for demand-dial */
           int  (*active_pkt) __P((u_char *pkt, int len));    /* Say whether to bring up link for this pkt */

 File: main.c
struct protent *protocols[] = {   #NOTE:从协议表可以看出,默认支持lcp,pap,chap,ipcp,ccp,ecp,eap协议
#ifdef INET6 
#ifdef AT_CHANGE

File: options.c                      
                         默认调用参数值:        1                  0            1

int  options_from_file(filename, must_exist, check_prot, priv)
    char *filename;   #NOTE: 参数文件地址
    int must_exist;    #NOTE: 参数文件是否必须存在
    int check_prot; 
    int priv;
    FILE *f;
    int i, newline, ret, err;
    option_t *opt;
    int oldpriv, n;
    char *oldsource;
    uid_t euid;
    char *argv[MAXARGS];
    char args[MAXARGS][MAXWORDLEN];
    char cmd[MAXWORDLEN];

    euid = geteuid();
    if (check_prot && seteuid(getuid()) == -1) {     #NOTE:check_prot为0,不执行此分支
        option_error("unable to drop privileges to open %s: %m", filename);
        return 0;
    f = fopen(filename, "r");   #NOTE:打开配置文件
    err = errno;
    if (check_prot && seteuid(euid) == -1) #NOTE: check_prot为0,不执行此分支
        fatal("unable to regain privileges");
    if (f == NULL) { #NOTE: 配置文件打开失败
        errno = err;
        if (!must_exist) {  #NOTE: 当必须存在标记为1时,不执行此分支,此解析函数返回0,pppd结束执行
             #     必须存在标记为0时,执行此分支,忽略找不到文件错误,返回1,pppd继续解析执行

            if (err != ENOENT && err != ENOTDIR)
                warn("Warning: can't open options file %s: %m", filename);
            return 1;
        option_error("Can't open options file %s: %m", filename);
        return 0;

    oldpriv = privileged_option;
    privileged_option = priv;
    oldsource = option_source;
    option_source = strdup(filename);
    if (option_source == NULL)
        option_source = "file";
    ret = 0;
    while (getword(f, cmd, &newline, filename)) { #NOTE:读取配置文件,并将命令字存储在cmd变量中
        opt = find_option(cmd);
        if (opt == NULL) {
            option_error("In file %s: unrecognized option '%s'",
                         filename, cmd);
            goto err;
        n = n_arguments(opt);
        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            if (!getword(f, args[i], &newline, filename)) {
                        "In file %s: too few parameters for option '%s'",
                        filename, cmd);
                goto err;
            argv[i] = args[i];
        if (!process_option(opt, cmd, argv)) #NOTE:处理命令字选项
            goto err;
    ret = 1;

    privileged_option = oldpriv;
    option_source = oldsource;
    return ret;

static option_t * find_option(name)
    const char *name;
        option_t *opt;   
        struct option_list *list;
        int i, dowild;

        for (dowild = 0; dowild <= 1; ++dowild) {
                for (opt = general_options; opt->name != NULL; ++opt)
                        if (match_option(name, opt, dowild))
                                return opt;
                for (opt = auth_options; opt->name != NULL; ++opt)
                        if (match_option(name, opt, dowild))
                                return opt;
                for (list = extra_options; list != NULL; list = list->next)
                        for (opt = list->options; opt->name != NULL; ++opt)
                                if (match_option(name, opt, dowild))
                                        return opt;
                for (opt = the_channel->options; opt->name != NULL; ++opt)
                        if (match_option(name, opt, dowild))
                                return opt;
                for (i = 0; protocols[i] != NULL; ++i)
                        if ((opt = protocols[i]->options) != NULL)
                                for (; opt->name != NULL; ++opt)
                                        if (match_option(name, opt, dowild))
                                                return opt;
        return NULL;
File: pppd.h
enum opt_type {
        o_special_noarg = 0,  #NOTE:无参数
        o_special = 1,    #NOTE:特殊参数

typedef struct {
        char    *name;          #NOTE:参数选项名
        enum opt_type type; #NOTE:参数选项类型
        void    *addr;     #NOTE:参数选项变量地址
        char    *description;   #NOTE:参数选项描述
        unsigned int flags;       #NOTE:参数选项标识
        void    *addr2;
        int     upper_limit;
        int     lower_limit;
        const char *source;
        short int priority;
        short int winner;
} option_t;

#define OPT_VALUE       0xff    /* mask for presupplied value,flag的低8位为设置该标识后,该变量的值 */
#define OPT_HEX         0x100   /* int option is in hex */
#define OPT_NOARG       0x200   /* option doesn't take argument */
#define OPT_OR          0x400   /* for u32, OR in argument to value */
#define OPT_INC         0x400   /* for o_int, increment value */
#define OPT_A2OR        0x800   /* for o_bool, OR arg to *(u_char *)addr2 */
#define OPT_PRIV        0x1000  /* privileged option */
#define OPT_STATIC      0x2000  /* string option goes into static array */
#define OPT_NOINCR      0x2000  /* for o_int, value mustn't be increased */
#define OPT_LLIMIT      0x4000  /* check value against lower limit */
#define OPT_ULIMIT      0x8000  /* check value against upper limit */
#define OPT_ZEROOK      0x10000 /* 0 value is OK even if not within limits */
#define OPT_HIDE        0x10000 /* for o_string, print value as ?????? */
#define OPT_A2LIST      0x20000 /* for o_special, keep list of values */
#define OPT_A2CLRB      0x20000 /* o_bool, clr val bits in *(u_char *)addr2 */
#define OPT_ZEROINF     0x40000 /* with OPT_NOINCR, 0 == infinity */
#define OPT_PRIO        0x80000 /* process option priorities for this option */
#define OPT_PRIOSUB     0x100000 /* subsidiary member of priority group */
#define OPT_ALIAS       0x200000 /* option is alias for previous option */
#define OPT_A2COPY      0x400000 /* addr2 -> second location to rcv value */
#define OPT_ENABLE      0x800000 /* use *addr2 as enable for option */
#define OPT_A2CLR       0x1000000 /* clear *(bool *)addr2 */
#define OPT_PRIVFIX     0x2000000 /* user can't override if set by root */
#define OPT_INITONLY    0x4000000 /* option can only be set in init phase */
#define OPT_DEVEQUIV    0x8000000 /* equiv to device name */
#define OPT_A2PRINTER   0x10000000 /* *addr2 printer_func to print option */
#define OPT_A2STRVAL    0x20000000 /* *addr2 points to current string value */
#define OPT_NOPRINT     0x40000000 /* don't print this option at all */

option_t general_options[] = {
    { "debug", o_int, &debug, "Increase debugging level", OPT_INC | OPT_NOARG | 1 },
    { "-d", o_int, &debug,"Increase debugging level",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_INC | OPT_NOARG | 1 },
    { "kdebug", o_int, &kdebugflag,"Set kernel driver debug level", OPT_PRIO },
    { "nodetach", o_bool, &nodetach,"Don't detach from controlling tty", OPT_PRIO | 1 },
    { "-detach", o_bool, &nodetach,"Don't detach from controlling tty", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | 1 },
    { "updetach", o_bool, &updetach,"Detach from controlling tty once link is up",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR | 1, &nodetach },
    { "master_detach", o_bool, &master_detach,"Detach when we're multilink master but have no link", 1 },
    { "holdoff", o_int, &holdoff,"Set time in seconds before retrying connection",OPT_PRIO, &holdoff_specified },
    { "idle", o_int, &idle_time_limit,"Set time in seconds before disconnecting idle link", OPT_PRIO },
    { "maxconnect", o_int, &maxconnect,"Set connection time limit",OPT_PRIO | OPT_LLIMIT | OPT_NOINCR | OPT_ZEROINF },
    { "domain", o_special, (void *)setdomain,"Add given domain name to hostname",OPT_PRIO | OPT_PRIV | OPT_A2STRVAL, &domain },
    { "file", o_special, (void *)readfile,"Take options from a file", OPT_NOPRINT },
    { "call", o_special, (void *)callfile,"Take options from a privileged file", OPT_NOPRINT },
    { "persist", o_bool, &persist,"Keep on reopening connection after close", OPT_PRIO | 1 },
    { "nopersist", o_bool, &persist,"Turn off persist option", OPT_PRIOSUB },
    { "demand", o_bool, &demand,"Dial on demand", OPT_INITONLY | 1, &persist },
    { "--version", o_special_noarg, (void *)showversion,"Show version number" },
    { "--help", o_special_noarg, (void *)showhelp,"Show brief listing of options" },
    { "-h", o_special_noarg, (void *)showhelp,"Show brief listing of options", OPT_ALIAS },
    { "logfile", o_special, (void *)setlogfile,"Append log messages to this file",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL | OPT_STATIC, &logfile_name },
    { "logfd", o_int, &log_to_fd,"Send log messages to this file descriptor",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR, &log_default },
    { "nolog", o_int, &log_to_fd,"Don't send log messages to any file",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_NOARG | OPT_VAL(-1) },
    { "nologfd", o_int, &log_to_fd,"Don't send log messages to any file descriptor",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_ALIAS | OPT_NOARG | OPT_VAL(-1) },
    { "linkname", o_string, linkname,"Set logical name for link",OPT_PRIO | OPT_PRIV | OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXPATHLEN },
    { "ifname", o_string, use_ifname,"Set physical name for PPP interface",OPT_PRIO | OPT_PRIV | OPT_STATIC, NULL, IFNAMSIZ },
    { "maxfail", o_int, &maxfail,"Maximum number of unsuccessful connection attempts to allow",OPT_PRIO },
    { "ktune", o_bool, &tune_kernel,"Alter kernel settings as necessary", OPT_PRIO | 1 },
    { "noktune", o_bool, &tune_kernel,"Don't alter kernel settings", OPT_PRIOSUB },
    { "connect-delay", o_int, &connect_delay,"Maximum time (in ms) to wait after connect script finishes",OPT_PRIO },
    { "unit", o_int, &req_unit,"PPP interface unit number to use if possible",OPT_PRIO | OPT_LLIMIT, 0, 0 },
    { "dump", o_bool, &dump_options,"Print out option values after parsing all options", 1 },
    { "dryrun", o_bool, &dryrun,"Stop after parsing, printing, and checking options", 1 },
    { "child-timeout", o_int, &child_wait,"Number of seconds to wait for child processes at exit",OPT_PRIO },
    { "set", o_special, (void *)user_setenv,"Set user environment variable",OPT_A2PRINTER | OPT_NOPRINT, (void *)user_setprint },
    { "unset", o_special, (void *)user_unsetenv,"Unset user environment variable",OPT_A2PRINTER | OPT_NOPRINT, (void *)user_unsetprint },
    { "ip-up-script", o_string, path_ipup,"Set pathname of ip-up script",OPT_PRIV|OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXPATHLEN },
    { "ip-down-script", o_string, path_ipdown,"Set pathname of ip-down script",OPT_PRIV|OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXPATHLEN },
    { "ipv6-up-script", o_string, path_ipv6up,"Set pathname of ipv6-up script",OPT_PRIV|OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXPATHLEN },
    { "ipv6-down-script", o_string, path_ipv6down,"Set pathname of ipv6-down script",OPT_PRIV|OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXPATHLEN },

    { "multilink", o_bool, &multilink,"Enable multilink operation", OPT_PRIO | 1 },
    { "mp", o_bool, &multilink,"Enable multilink operation", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_ALIAS | 1 },
    { "nomultilink", o_bool, &multilink,"Disable multilink operation", OPT_PRIOSUB | 0 },
    { "bundle", o_string, &bundle_name,"Bundle name for multilink", OPT_PRIO },
#endif /* HAVE_MULTILINK */

    { "nomp", o_bool, &multilink,"Disable multilink operation", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_ALIAS | 0 },

#ifdef PLUGIN
    { "plugin", o_special, (void *)loadplugin,"Load a plug-in module into pppd", OPT_PRIV | OPT_A2LIST },

    { "pass-filter", o_special, setpassfilter,"set filter for packets to pass", OPT_PRIO },
    { "active-filter", o_special, setactivefilter,"set filter for active pkts", OPT_PRIO },

    { "precompiled-pass-filter", 1, setprecompiledpassfilter,"set precompiled filter for packets to pass", OPT_PRIO },
    { "precompiled-active-filter", 1, setprecompiledactivefilter,"set precompiled filter for active pkts", OPT_PRIO },

    { "maxoctets", o_int, &maxoctets,"Set connection traffic limit",OPT_PRIO | OPT_LLIMIT | OPT_NOINCR | OPT_ZEROINF },
    { "mo", o_int, &maxoctets,"Set connection traffic limit",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIO | OPT_LLIMIT | OPT_NOINCR | OPT_ZEROINF },
    { "mo-direction", o_special, setmodir,"Set direction for limit traffic (sum,in,out,max)" },
    { "mo-timeout", o_int, &maxoctets_timeout,"Check for traffic limit every N seconds", OPT_PRIO | OPT_LLIMIT | 1 },
    { NULL }

option_t auth_options[] = {
    { "auth", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require authentication from peer", OPT_PRIO | 1 }, 
    { "noauth", o_bool, &auth_required,"Don't require peer to authenticate", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_PRIV,&allow_any_ip },
    { "require-pap", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_upap,"Require PAP authentication from peer",OPT_PRIOSUB | 1, &auth_required },
    { "+pap", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_upap,"Require PAP authentication from peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | 1, &auth_required },
    { "require-chap", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require CHAP authentication from peer",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MD5,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },
    { "+chap", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require CHAP authentication from peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MD5,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

#ifdef CHAPMS
    { "require-mschap", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require MS-CHAP authentication from peer",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },
    { "+mschap", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require MS-CHAP authentication from peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },
    { "require-mschap-v2", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require MS-CHAPv2 authentication from peer",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT_V2,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },
    { "+mschap-v2", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require MS-CHAPv2 authentication from peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT_V2,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

    { "refuse-pap", o_bool, &refuse_pap,"Don't agree to auth to peer with PAP", 1 },
    { "-pap", o_bool, &refuse_pap,"Don't allow PAP authentication with peer", OPT_ALIAS | 1 },
    { "refuse-chap", o_bool, &refuse_chap,"Don't agree to auth to peer with CHAP",OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MD5,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },
    { "-chap", o_bool, &refuse_chap,"Don't allow CHAP authentication with peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MD5,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

#ifdef CHAPMS
    { "refuse-mschap", o_bool, &refuse_mschap,"Don't agree to auth to peer with MS-CHAP",OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },
    { "-mschap", o_bool, &refuse_mschap,"Don't allow MS-CHAP authentication with peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },
    { "refuse-mschap-v2", o_bool, &refuse_mschap_v2,"Don't agree to auth to peer with MS-CHAPv2",OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT_V2,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },
    { "-mschap-v2", o_bool, &refuse_mschap_v2,"Don't allow MS-CHAPv2 authentication with peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT_V2,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

    { "require-eap", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_eap,"Require EAP authentication from peer", OPT_PRIOSUB | 1,&auth_required },
    { "refuse-eap", o_bool, &refuse_eap,"Don't agree to authenticate to peer with EAP", 1 },
    { "name", o_string, our_name,"Set local name for authentication",OPT_PRIO | OPT_PRIV | OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXNAMELEN },
    { "+ua", o_special, (void *)setupapfile,"Get PAP user and password from file",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL, &uafname },
    { "user", o_string, user,"Set name for auth with peer", OPT_PRIO | OPT_STATIC,&explicit_user, MAXNAMELEN },
    { "password", o_string, passwd,"Password for authenticating us to the peer",OPT_PRIO | OPT_STATIC | OPT_HIDE,&explicit_passwd, MAXSECRETLEN },
    { "usehostname", o_bool, &usehostname,"Must use hostname for authentication", 1 },
    { "remotename", o_string, remote_name,"Set remote name for authentication", OPT_PRIO | OPT_STATIC,&explicit_remote, MAXNAMELEN },
    { "login", o_bool, &uselogin,"Use system password database for PAP", OPT_A2COPY | 1 ,&session_mgmt },
    { "enable-session", o_bool, &session_mgmt,"Enable session accounting for remote peers", OPT_PRIV | 1 },
    { "papcrypt", o_bool, &cryptpap,"PAP passwords are encrypted", 1 },
    { "privgroup", o_special, (void *)privgroup,"Allow group members to use privileged options", OPT_PRIV | OPT_A2LIST },
    { "allow-ip", o_special, (void *)set_noauth_addr,"Set IP address(es) which can be used without authentication",OPT_PRIV | OPT_A2LIST },
    { "remotenumber", o_string, remote_number,"Set remote telephone number for authentication", OPT_PRIO | OPT_STATIC,NULL, MAXNAMELEN },
    { "allow-number", o_special, (void *)set_permitted_number,"Set telephone number(s) which are allowed to connect",OPT_PRIV | OPT_A2LIST },
    { NULL }

static option_t lcp_option_list[] = {
    /* LCP options */
    { "-all", o_special_noarg, (void *)noopt,"Don't request/allow any LCP options" },
    { "noaccomp", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_accompression,"Disable address/control compression",OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_accompression },
    { "-ac", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_accompression,"Disable address/control compression",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_accompression },
    { "asyncmap", o_uint32, &lcp_wantoptions[0].asyncmap,"Set asyncmap (for received packets)",OPT_OR, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_asyncmap },
    { "-as", o_uint32, &lcp_wantoptions[0].asyncmap,"Set asyncmap (for received packets)",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_OR, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_asyncmap },
    { "default-asyncmap", o_uint32, &lcp_wantoptions[0].asyncmap,"Disable asyncmap negotiation",OPT_OR | OPT_NOARG | OPT_VAL(~0U) | OPT_A2CLR,&lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_asyncmap },
    { "-am", o_uint32, &lcp_wantoptions[0].asyncmap,"Disable asyncmap negotiation",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_OR | OPT_NOARG | OPT_VAL(~0U) | OPT_A2CLR,&lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_asyncmap },
    { "nomagic", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_magicnumber,"Disable magic number negotiation (looped-back line detection)",OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_magicnumber },
    { "-mn", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_magicnumber,"Disable magic number negotiation (looped-back line detection)",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_magicnumber },
    { "mru", o_int, &lcp_wantoptions[0].mru,"Set MRU (maximum received packet size) for negotiation",OPT_PRIO, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_mru },
    { "default-mru", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_mru,"Disable MRU negotiation (use default 1500)",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_mru },
    { "-mru", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_mru,"Disable MRU negotiation (use default 1500)",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_mru },
    { "mtu", o_int, &lcp_allowoptions[0].mru,"Set our MTU", OPT_LIMITS, NULL, MAXMRU, MINMRU },
    { "nopcomp", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_pcompression,"Disable protocol field compression",OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_pcompression },
    { "-pc", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_pcompression,"Disable protocol field compression",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_pcompression },
    { "passive", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].passive,"Set passive mode", 1 },
    { "-p", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].passive,"Set passive mode", OPT_ALIAS | 1 },
    { "silent", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].silent,"Set silent mode", 1 },
    { "lcp-echo-failure", o_int, &lcp_echo_fails,"Set number of consecutive echo failures to indicate link failure",OPT_PRIO },
    { "lcp-echo-interval", o_int, &lcp_echo_interval,"Set time in seconds between LCP echo requests", OPT_PRIO },
    { "lcp-echo-adaptive", o_bool, &lcp_echo_adaptive,"Suppress LCP echo requests if traffic was received", 1 },
    { "lcp-restart", o_int, &lcp_fsm[0].timeouttime,"Set time in seconds between LCP retransmissions", OPT_PRIO },
    { "lcp-max-terminate", o_int, &lcp_fsm[0].maxtermtransmits,"Set maximum number of LCP terminate-request transmissions", OPT_PRIO },
    { "lcp-max-configure", o_int, &lcp_fsm[0].maxconfreqtransmits,"Set maximum number of LCP configure-request transmissions", OPT_PRIO },
    { "lcp-max-failure", o_int, &lcp_fsm[0].maxnakloops,"Set limit on number of LCP configure-naks", OPT_PRIO },
    { "receive-all", o_bool, &lax_recv,"Accept all received control characters", 1 },

    { "mrru", o_int, &lcp_wantoptions[0].mrru,"Maximum received packet size for multilink bundle",OPT_PRIO, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_mrru },
    { "mpshortseq", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_ssnhf,"Use short sequence numbers in multilink headers",OPT_PRIO | 1, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_ssnhf },
    { "nompshortseq", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_ssnhf,"Don't use short sequence numbers in multilink headers",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_ssnhf },
    { "endpoint", o_special, (void *) setendpoint,"Endpoint discriminator for multilink",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2PRINTER, (void *) printendpoint },
#endif /* HAVE_MULTILINK */

    { "noendpoint", o_bool, &noendpoint,"Don't send or accept multilink endpoint discriminator", 1 },

static option_t pap_option_list[] = {
    { "hide-password", o_bool, &hide_password,"Don't output passwords to log", OPT_PRIO | 1 },
    { "show-password", o_bool, &hide_password,"Show password string in debug log messages", OPT_PRIOSUB | 0 },
    { "pap-restart", o_int, &upap[0].us_timeouttime,"Set retransmit timeout for PAP", OPT_PRIO },
    { "pap-max-authreq", o_int, &upap[0].us_maxtransmits,"Set max number of transmissions for auth-reqs", OPT_PRIO },
    { "pap-timeout", o_int, &upap[0].us_reqtimeout,"Set time limit for peer PAP authentication", OPT_PRIO },
    { NULL }

static option_t chap_option_list[] = {
        { "chap-restart", o_int, &chap_timeout_time,"Set timeout for CHAP", OPT_PRIO },
        { "chap-max-challenge", o_int, &chap_max_transmits,"Set max #xmits for challenge", OPT_PRIO },
        { "chap-interval", o_int, &chap_rechallenge_time,"Set interval for rechallenge", OPT_PRIO },
        { "chapms-strip-domain", o_bool, &chapms_strip_domain,"Strip the domain prefix before the Username", 1 },
        { NULL }        

static option_t ipcp_option_list[] = {
    { "noip", o_bool, &ipcp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable IP and IPCP" },
    { "-ip", o_bool, &ipcp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable IP and IPCP", OPT_ALIAS },
    { "novj", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].neg_vj,"Disable VJ compression", OPT_A2CLR, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].neg_vj },
    { "-vj", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].neg_vj,"Disable VJ compression", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].neg_vj },
    { "novjccomp", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].cflag,"Disable VJ connection-ID compression", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].cflag },
    { "-vjccomp", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].cflag,"Disable VJ connection-ID compression", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].cflag },
    { "vj-max-slots", o_special, (void *)setvjslots,"Set maximum VJ header slots",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL | OPT_STATIC, vj_value },
    { "ipcp-accept-local", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].accept_local,"Accept peer's address for us", 1 },
    { "ipcp-accept-remote", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].accept_remote,"Accept peer's address for it", 1 },
   { "ipparam", o_string, &ipparam,"Set ip script parameter", OPT_PRIO },
    { "noipdefault", o_bool, &disable_defaultip,"Don't use name for default IP adrs", 1 },
    { "ms-dns", 1, (void *)setdnsaddr,"DNS address for the peer's use" },
    { "ms-wins", 1, (void *)setwinsaddr,"Nameserver for SMB over TCP/IP for peer" },
    { "ipcp-restart", o_int, &ipcp_fsm[0].timeouttime,"Set timeout for IPCP", OPT_PRIO },
    { "ipcp-max-terminate", o_int, &ipcp_fsm[0].maxtermtransmits,"Set max #xmits for term-reqs", OPT_PRIO },
    { "ipcp-max-configure", o_int, &ipcp_fsm[0].maxconfreqtransmits,"Set max #xmits for conf-reqs", OPT_PRIO },
    { "ipcp-max-failure", o_int, &ipcp_fsm[0].maxnakloops,"Set max #conf-naks for IPCP", OPT_PRIO },
    { "defaultroute", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].default_route,"Add default route", OPT_ENABLE|1, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].default_route },
    { "nodefaultroute", o_bool, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].default_route,"disable defaultroute option", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].default_route },
    { "-defaultroute", o_bool, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].default_route,"disable defaultroute option", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].default_route },
    { "replacedefaultroute", o_bool,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].replace_default_route,"Replace default route", 1},
    { "noreplacedefaultroute", o_bool,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].replace_default_route,"Never replace default route", OPT_A2COPY,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].replace_default_route },
    { "proxyarp", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].proxy_arp,"Add proxy ARP entry", OPT_ENABLE|1, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].proxy_arp },
    { "noproxyarp", o_bool, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].proxy_arp,"disable proxyarp option", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].proxy_arp },
    { "-proxyarp", o_bool, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].proxy_arp,"disable proxyarp option", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].proxy_arp },
    { "usepeerdns", o_bool, &usepeerdns,"Ask peer for DNS address(es)", 1 },
    { "netmask", o_special, (void *)setnetmask,"set netmask", OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL | OPT_STATIC, netmask_str },
    { "ipcp-no-addresses", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].old_addrs,"Disable old-style IP-Addresses usage", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].old_addrs },
    { "ipcp-no-address", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].neg_addr,"Disable IP-Address usage", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].neg_addr },
#ifdef __linux__
    { "noremoteip", o_bool, &noremoteip,"Allow peer to have no IP address", 1 },
    { "nosendip", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].neg_addr,"Don't send our IP address to peer", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].old_addrs},
    { "IP addresses", o_wild, (void *) &setipaddr,"set local and remote IP addresses",OPT_NOARG | OPT_A2PRINTER, (void *) &printipaddr },
    { NULL }

static option_t ccp_option_list[] = {
    { "noccp", o_bool, &ccp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable CCP negotiation" },
    { "-ccp", o_bool, &ccp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable CCP negotiation", OPT_ALIAS },
    { "bsdcomp", o_special, (void *)setbsdcomp,"Request BSD-Compress packet compression",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL | OPT_STATIC, bsd_value },
    { "nobsdcomp", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].bsd_compress,"don't allow BSD-Compress", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].bsd_compress },
    { "-bsdcomp", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].bsd_compress,"don't allow BSD-Compress", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].bsd_compress },
    { "deflate", o_special, (void *)setdeflate,"request Deflate compression",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL | OPT_STATIC, deflate_value },
    { "nodeflate", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].deflate,"don't allow Deflate compression", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].deflate },
    { "-deflate", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].deflate,"don't allow Deflate compression", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].deflate },
    { "nodeflatedraft", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].deflate_draft,"don't use draft deflate #", OPT_A2COPY,&ccp_allowoptions[0].deflate_draft },
    { "predictor1", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].predictor_1,"request Predictor-1", OPT_PRIO | 1 },
    { "nopredictor1", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].predictor_1,"don't allow Predictor-1", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].predictor_1 },
    { "-predictor1", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].predictor_1,"don't allow Predictor-1", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].predictor_1 },
    { "lzs", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].lzs,"request Stac LZS", 1, &ccp_allowoptions[0].lzs, OPT_PRIO },
    { "+lzs", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].lzs,"request Stac LZS", 1, &ccp_allowoptions[0].lzs, OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIO },
    { "nolzs", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].lzs,"don't allow Stac LZS", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].lzs },
    { "-lzs", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].lzs,"don't allow Stac LZS", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].lzs },

#ifdef MPPE
    { "mppc", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].mppc,"request MPPC compression", 1, &ccp_allowoptions[0].mppc },
    { "+mppc", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].mppc,"request MPPC compression", 1, &ccp_allowoptions[0].mppc, OPT_ALIAS },
    { "nomppc", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].mppc,"don't allow MPPC compression", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].mppc },
    { "-mppc", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].mppc,"don't allow MPPC compression", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].mppc },
    { "mppe", o_special, (void *)setmppe,"request MPPE encryption" },
    { "+mppe", o_special, (void *)setmppe,"request MPPE encryption" },
    { "nomppe", o_special_noarg, (void *)setnomppe,"don't allow MPPE encryption" },
    { "-mppe", o_special_noarg, (void *)setnomppe,"don't allow MPPE encryption" },
#endif /* MPPE */
    { NULL }

static option_t ecp_option_list[] = {
    { "noecp", o_bool, &ecp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable ECP negotiation" },
    { "-ecp", o_bool, &ecp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable ECP negotiation", OPT_ALIAS },
    { NULL }

static option_t eap_option_list[] = {
    { "eap-restart", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_server.ea_timeout,"Set retransmit timeout for EAP Requests (server)" },
    { "eap-max-sreq", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_server.ea_maxrequests,"Set max number of EAP Requests sent (server)" },
    { "eap-timeout", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_client.ea_timeout,"Set time limit for peer EAP authentication" },
    { "eap-max-rreq", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_client.ea_maxrequests,"Set max number of EAP Requests allows (client)" },
    { "eap-interval", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_rechallenge,"Set interval for EAP rechallenge" },
#ifdef USE_SRP
    { "srp-interval", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_lwrechallenge,"Set interval for SRP lightweight rechallenge" },
    { "srp-pn-secret", o_string, &pn_secret,"Long term pseudonym generation secret" },
    { "srp-use-pseudonym", o_bool, &eap_states[0].es_usepseudo,
      "Use pseudonym if offered one by server", 1 },
    { NULL }

int options_from_user()
    char *user, *path, *file;
    int ret; 
    struct passwd *pw; 
    size_t pl;

    pw = getpwuid(getuid());
    if (pw == NULL || (user = pw->pw_dir) == NULL || user[0] == 0)
        return 1;
    file = _PATH_USEROPT;  #NOTE: #define _PATH_USEROPT    ".ppprc"
    pl = strlen(user) + strlen(file) + 2; 
    path = malloc(pl);
    if (path == NULL)
        novm("init file name");
    slprintf(path, pl, "%s/%s", user, file);
    option_priority = OPRIO_CFGFILE;
    ret = options_from_file(path, 0, 1, privileged); #NOTE: 从用户配置文件.ppprc中读取配置选项
    return ret; 

File: options.c
int parse_args(argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char **argv;
    char *arg;
    option_t *opt;
    int n;

    privileged_option = privileged;
    option_source = "command line";
    option_priority = OPRIO_CMDLINE;
    while (argc > 0) {
        arg = *argv++;
        opt = find_option(arg); #NOTE:查找选项
        if (opt == NULL) {
            option_error("unrecognized option '%s'", arg);
            return 0;
        n = n_arguments(opt);
        if (argc < n) {
            option_error("too few parameters for option %s", arg);
            return 0;
        if (!process_option(opt, arg, argv))
            return 0;
        argc -= n;
        argv += n;
    return 1;


#define _PATH_IPUP      _ROOT_PATH "/etc/ppp/ip-up"   #NOTE: 三层协议IPCP协商完成可收发IP报文时执行该脚本,执行时传递参数:
                                                                             interface-name tty-device speed local-IP-address remote-IP-address ipparam

#define _PATH_IPDOWN     _ROOT_PATH "/etc/ppp/ip-down" #NOTE: 三层协议IPCP无法再收发IP数据报时执行该脚本,参数与UP一致

#define _PATH_IPPREUP    _ROOT_PATH "/etc/ppp/ip-pre-up"

#define _PATH_AUTHUP     _ROOT_PATH "/etc/ppp/auth-up" #NOTE: 认证通过时执行该脚本,并传递如下参数: interface-name
                                                                                                               peer-name user-name tty-device speed

                                #  注意: 若指定参数noauth时,此脚本不执行

#define _PATH_AUTHDOWN   _ROOT_PATH "/etc/ppp/auth-down"   #NOTE: 认证失效时执行此脚本,参数与UP时一致

脚本运行时的可用参数如下: (可通过如下命令进行搜索支持的环境变量: grep "script_setenv" ./ )

 PPPD_PID: 当前pppd的PID
 IFUNIT: 当前pppd使用的unit
DNS1:第一个DNS server地址。
DNS2:第二个DNS server地址




static int loadplugin(argv)
    char **argv;
    char *arg = *argv;
    void *handle;
    const char *err;
    void (*init) __P((void));
    char *path = arg; 
    const char *vers;

    if (strchr(arg, '/') == 0) {            #NOTE:处理动态库的装载路劲
        const char *base = _PATH_PLUGIN;
        int l = strlen(base) + strlen(arg) + 2; 
        path = malloc(l);
        if (path == 0)
            novm("plugin file path");
        strlcpy(path, base, l);
        strlcat(path, "/", l);
        strlcat(path, arg, l);
    handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW);  #NOTE: 打开动态库
    if (handle == 0) { 
        err = dlerror();
        if (err != 0)
            option_error("%s", err);
        option_error("Couldn't load plugin %s", arg);
        goto err; 
    init = (void (*)(void))dlsym(handle, "plugin_init");  #NOTE: 动态库的入口函数plugin_init()
    if (init == 0) { 
        option_error("%s has no initialization entry point", arg);
        goto errclose;
    vers = (const char *) dlsym(handle, "pppd_version"); #NOTE: pppd版本号字符串
    if (vers == 0) {
        warn("Warning: plugin %s has no version information", arg);
    } else if (strcmp(vers, VERSION) != 0) {  #NOTE: 版本号不匹配时无法装载
        option_error("Plugin %s is for pppd version %s, this is %s",
                     arg, vers, VERSION);
        goto errclose;
    info("Plugin %s loaded.", arg);
    return 1;

    if (path != arg)
    return 0;
int (*idle_time_hook)(struct ppp_idle *idlep);

int (*holdoff_hook)(void);

int (*chap_check_hook)(void);
int (*chap_passwd_hook)(char *user, char *passwd);
int (*chap_auth_hook)(char *user, u_char *remmd, int remmd_len, chap_state *cstate);


chap_passwd_hook决定pppd应该使用什么密码来使用CHAP来向对端认证自身。user字符串使用’user’选项或者’name’选项、主机名进行初始化,有必须可以进行修改。这个钩子只有当ppdp是客户客户端而非服务的时候被调用。passwd可以容纳最多MAXSECRETLEN 字节。如果钩子返回0,PPPD使用 *passwd,如果返回 -1,pppd认证失败。

chap_auth_hook 钩子确定由对应提供的CHAP挑战响应是否有效。user指向一个包含对端提供用户名的非NULL结束的字符串。remmd向向对端提供的响应,由remmd_len表示其长度 。cstate是PPTP维护的内部CHAP状态结构体。chap_auth_hook应该返回CHAP_SUCCESS 或者CHAP_FAILURE。

int (*null_auth_hook)(struct wordlist **paddrs, struct wordlist **popts);
这个钩子允许插件确定当请求的认证被对端拒绝的时候应该采取的策略。 如果返回0,连接被终结;1,连接被允许处理,这种情况下 *paddrs和*popts可像pap_auth_hook一样被设置,以指定被允许的IP地址列表和任意扩展属性。如果返回-1,pppd查找pap-secret文件按常规处理。

void (*ip_choose_hook)(u_int32_t *addrp);

int (*allowed_address_hook)(u_int32_t addr)

void (*snoop_recv_hook)(unsigned char *p, int len)
void (*snoop_send_hook)(unsigned char *p, int len)
这些钩子在接受或是发送数据包的时候被调用。数据包在p里同,长度由 len表式。使得插件可以检查pppd的会话。这些钩子在实现L2TP的时候将会起到很大的作用。



void my_notify_proc(void *opaque, int arg);


add_notifier(&interesting_notifier, my_notify_proc, opaque);

add_notifier 中的’opaque’参数每次调用notifier的时候传递给my_notify_proc 。传递的’arg’参数决定于notifier一个nofify过程可以使用下面的方式从当前的notifier列表中被移除。

remove_notifier(&interesting_notifier, my_notify_proc, opaque);


pidchange 由其父进程在pppd已经forked并且子进程在继续pppd’s处理时调用,比如pppd从其控制终端中分离出来的时候。参数就是这个子进程的pid。

phasechange 当pppd从一个阶段操作转移到另一个的时候调用。参数是新阶段的编号。

exitnotify 在pppd退出前调用。参数是pppd退出的状态。(比如exit()的参数)。

sigreceived 在收到信号的时候调用,存在于signal handle里面。参数是signal的编号。

ip_up_notifier 在IPCP发生的时候调用。

ip_down_notifier 在IPCP关闭的时候调用。

auth_up_notifier 在对端认证自身成功的时候调用。

link_down_notifier 在连接关闭的时候调用。
