struct Pair {
char *key;
char *value;
struct Bucket { unsigned int count; Pair *pairs; };
struct StrMap { unsigned int count; Bucket *buckets; };
int sm_put(StrMap *map, const char *key, const char *value) { unsigned int key_len, value_len, index; Bucket *bucket; Pair *tmp_pairs, *pair;
char *tmp_value;
char *new_key, *new_value;
if (map == NULL) {
return 0; }
if (key == NULL || value == NULL) {
return 0; } key_len = strlen(key); value_len = strlen(value); /* Get a pointer to the bucket the key string hashes to */
index = hash(key) % map->count; bucket = &(map->buckets[index]); /* Check if we can handle insertion by simply replacing * an existing value in a key-value pair in the bucket. */
if ((pair = get_pair(bucket, key)) != NULL) { /* The bucket contains a pair that matches the provided key, * change the value for that pair to the new value. */
if (strlen(pair->value) < value_len) { /* If the new value is larger than the old value, re-allocate * space for the new larger value. */
tmp_value = realloc(pair->value, (value_len + 1) * sizeof(char));
if (tmp_value == NULL) {
return 0; } pair->value = tmp_value; } /* Copy the new value into the pair that matches the key */
strcpy(pair->value, value);
return 1; } /* Allocate space for a new key and value */
new_key = malloc((key_len + 1) * sizeof(char));
if (new_key == NULL) {
return 0; } new_value = malloc((value_len + 1) * sizeof(char));
if (new_value == NULL) { free(new_key); return 0; } /* Create a key-value pair */
if (bucket->count == 0) { /* The bucket is empty, lazily allocate space for a single * key-value pair. */
bucket->pairs = malloc(sizeof(Pair)); if (bucket->pairs == NULL) { free(new_key); free(new_value); return 0; } bucket->count = 1; } else { /* The bucket wasn't empty but no pair existed that matches the provided * key, so create a new key-value pair. */
tmp_pairs = realloc(bucket->pairs, (bucket->count + 1) * sizeof(Pair));
if (tmp_pairs == NULL) {
return 0; } bucket->pairs = tmp_pairs; bucket->count++; } /* Get the last pair in the chain for the bucket */
pair = &(bucket->pairs[bucket->count - 1]); pair->key = new_key; pair->value = new_value; /* Copy the key and its value into the key-value pair */
strcpy(pair->key, key); strcpy(pair->value, value);
return 1; }
int sm_get(const StrMap *map, const char *key, char *out_buf, unsigned int n_out_buf) { unsigned int index; Bucket *bucket; Pair *pair;
if (map == NULL) { return 0;}
if (key == NULL) { return 0;} index = hash(key) % map->count; bucket = &(map->buckets[index]); pair = get_pair(bucket, key);
if (pair == NULL) { return 0;}
if (out_buf == NULL && n_out_buf == 0) { return strlen(pair->value) + 1;}
if (out_buf == NULL) { return 0;}
if (strlen(pair->value) >= n_out_buf) { return 0;} strcpy(out_buf, pair->value);
return 1; }
/* * Returns a hash code for the provided string. */ static unsigned long hash(const char *str) { unsigned long hash = 5381;
int c;
while (c = *str++) { hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; }
return hash;