
1970阅读 0评论2012-07-09 qtdszws


void main(void)
    /* First, copy the boot header into the "zeropage" */

    /* Initialize the early-boot console */
    if (cmdline_find_option_bool("debug"))
        puts("early console in setup code\n");

    /* End of heap check */

    /* Make sure we have all the proper CPU support */
    if (validate_cpu()) {
        puts("Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate "
             "for your CPU.\n");

    /* Tell the BIOS what CPU mode we intend to run in. */

    /* Detect memory layout */

    /* Set keyboard repeat rate (why?) */

    /* Query MCA information */

    /* Query Intel SpeedStep (IST) information */

    /* Query APM information */
#if defined(CONFIG_APM) || defined(CONFIG_APM_MODULE)

    /* Query EDD information */
#if defined(CONFIG_EDD) || defined(CONFIG_EDD_MODULE)

    /* Set the video mode */

    /* Do the last things and invoke protected mode */

calll main


push %bp

push %ebp



  gcc -Wp,-MD,arch/x86/boot/.main.o.d  -nostdinc -isystem /usr/local/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.6.0/include -I/home/zws/linux-3.0/arch/x86/include -Iarch/x86/include/generated -Iinclude  -include include/generated/autoconf.h -D__KERNEL__ -I/home/zws/linux-3.0/arch/x86/include -Iarch/x86/include/generated -Iinclude -include include/generated/autoconf.h -g -Os -D_SETUP -D__KERNEL__ -DDISABLE_BRANCH_PROFILING -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -march=i386 -mregparm=3 -include /home/zws/linux-3.0/arch/x86/boot/code16gcc.h -fno-strict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer -ffreestanding -fno-toplevel-reorder -fno-stack-protector -m32    -D"KBUILD_STR(s)=#s" -D"KBUILD_BASENAME=KBUILD_STR(main)"  -D"KBUILD_MODNAME=KBUILD_STR(main)" -c -o arch/x86/boot/main.o arch/x86/boot/main.c

注意-include /home/zws/linux-3.0/arch/x86/boot/code16gcc.h
 * code16gcc.h
 * This file is -include'd when compiling 16-bit C code.
 * Note: this asm() needs to be emitted before gcc emits any code.
 * Depending on gcc version, this requires -fno-unit-at-a-time or
 * -fno-toplevel-reorder.
 * Hopefully gcc will eventually have a real -m16 option so we can
 * drop this hack long term.

#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__


           Do not reorder top-level functions, variables, and "asm" statements.  Output them in the same order that they appear in the input file.  When this option is used, unreferenced static variables will not be removed.  This option is intended to support existing code which relies on a particular ordering.  For new code, it is better to use attributes.

[zws@ssq_pppoe boot]$ objdump -Mi8086 -d main.o

main.o:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text.startup:

   0:   66 55                   push   %ebp
   2:   66 89 e5                mov    %esp,%ebp
   5:   66 57                   push   %edi
   7:   66 56                   push   %esi
   9:   66 83 e4 f0             and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
   d:   66 81 ec b0 00 00 00    sub    $0xb0,%esp
  14:   66 b8 f1 01 00 00       mov    $0x1f1,%eax
  1a:   66 be 00 00 00 00       mov    $0x0,%esi
  20:   66 b9 67 00 00 00       mov    $0x67,%ecx
  26:   66 89 c7                mov    %eax,%edi
  29:   f3 a4                   rep movsb %ds:(%si),%es:(%di)
  2b:   66 83 3e 28 02 00       cmpl   $0x0,0x228
  31:   75 2d                   jne    60
  33:   81 3e 20 00 3f a3       cmpw   $0xa33f,0x20
  39:   75 25                   jne    60
  3b:   8b 16 22 00             mov    0x22,%dx
  3f:   66 b8 00 90 ff ff       mov    $0xffff9000,%eax
  45:   3b 16 12 02             cmp    0x212,%dx
  49:   73 02                   jae    4d
  4b:   8c d8                   mov    %ds,%ax
  4d:   66 0f b7 c0             movzwl %ax,%eax
  51:   66 c1 e0 04             shl    $0x4,%eax
  55:   66 0f b7 d2             movzwl %dx,%edx
  59:   66 01 d0                add    %edx,%eax
  5c:   66 a3 28 02             mov    %eax,0x228
  60:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  62
  66:   66 ba 00 00 00 00       mov    $0x0,%edx
  6c:   66 a1 28 02             mov    0x228,%eax
  70:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  72
  76:   66 85 c0                test   %eax,%eax
  79:   74 0c                   je     87
  7b:   66 b8 06 00 00 00       mov    $0x6,%eax
  81:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  83
  87:   80 3e 11 02 00          cmpb   $0x0,0x211
  8c:   79 26                   jns    b4
  8e:   67 66 8d 84 24 00 fe    addr32 lea -0x200(%esp),%eax
  95:   ff ff
  97:   66 0f b7 16 24 02       movzwl 0x224,%edx
  9d:   66 81 c2 00 02 00 00    add    $0x200,%edx
  a4:   66 89 16 00 00          mov    %edx,0x0
  a9:   66 39 c2                cmp    %eax,%edx
  ac:   76 12                   jbe    c0
  ae:   66 a3 00 00             mov    %eax,0x0
  b2:   eb 0c                   jmp    c0
  b4:   66 b8 23 00 00 00       mov    $0x23,%eax
  ba:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  bc
  c0:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  c2
  c6:   66 85 c0                test   %eax,%eax
  c9:   74 12                   je     dd
  cb:   66 b8 64 00 00 00       mov    $0x64,%eax
  d1:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  d3
  d7:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  d9
  dd:   66 89 e0                mov    %esp,%eax
  e0:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  e2
  e6:   67 c7 44 24 1c 00 ec    addr32 movw $0xec00,0x1c(%esp)
  ed:   67 c7 44 24 10 02 00    addr32 movw $0x2,0x10(%esp)
  f4:   66 31 c9                xor    %ecx,%ecx
  f7:   66 89 e2                mov    %esp,%edx
  fa:   66 b8 15 00 00 00       mov    $0x15,%eax
 100:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  102
 106:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  108
 10c:   67 66 8d 44 24 2c       addr32 lea 0x2c(%esp),%eax
 112:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  114
 118:   67 c7 44 24 48 05 03    addr32 movw $0x305,0x48(%esp)
 11f:   66 31 c9                xor    %ecx,%ecx
 122:   67 66 8d 54 24 2c       addr32 lea 0x2c(%esp),%edx
 128:   66 b8 16 00 00 00       mov    $0x16,%eax
 12e:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  130
 134:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  136
 13a:   66 83 3e 00 00 05       cmpl   $0x5,0x0
 140:   7e 6c                   jle    1ae
 142:   67 66 8d 44 24 58       addr32 lea 0x58(%esp),%eax
 148:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  14a
 14e:   67 c7 44 24 74 80 e9    addr32 movw $0xe980,0x74(%esp)
 155:   67 66 c7 44 24 6c 43    addr32 movl $0x47534943,0x6c(%esp)
 15c:   49 53 47
 15f:   67 66 8d 8c 24 84 00    addr32 lea 0x84(%esp),%ecx
 166:   00 00
 168:   67 66 8d 54 24 58       addr32 lea 0x58(%esp),%edx
 16e:   66 b8 15 00 00 00       mov    $0x15,%eax
 174:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  176
 17a:   67 66 8b 84 24 a0 00    addr32 mov 0xa0(%esp),%eax
 181:   00 00
 183:   66 a3 60 00             mov    %eax,0x60
 187:   67 66 8b 84 24 94 00    addr32 mov 0x94(%esp),%eax
 18e:   00 00
 190:   66 a3 64 00             mov    %eax,0x64
 194:   67 66 8b 84 24 9c 00    addr32 mov 0x9c(%esp),%eax
 19b:   00 00
 19d:   66 a3 68 00             mov    %eax,0x68
 1a1:   67 66 8b 84 24 98 00    addr32 mov 0x98(%esp),%eax
 1a8:   00 00
 1aa:   66 a3 6c 00             mov    %eax,0x6c
 1ae:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  1b0
 1b4:   66 e8 fc ff ff ff       calll  1b6

第一 -Mi8086选项,使用16位模式反汇编
第四header.S中的calll main也是32位调用