与盖茨"裸捐"事件一起广为流传的, 梅林达·盖茨为比尔与梅林达·盖茨基金会制定的15条指导原则, 被戏称为15条军规. 原文如下:
The 15 principles below reflect the Gates family’s beliefs about the role of philanthropy and the impact they want this foundation to have. The principles guide what we do, why we do it, and how we do it. While many of them are fundamental to the way we operate, we will remain open to amending them as we grow and learn more about our work. * This is a family foundation driven by the interests and passions of the Gates family. * Philanthropy plays an important but limited role. * Science and technology have great potential to improve lives around the world. * We are funders and shapers—we rely on others to act and implement. * Our focus is clear—and limited—and prioritizes some of the most neglected issues. * We identify a specific point of intervention and apply our efforts against a theory of change. * We take risks, make big bets, and move with urgency. We are in it for the long haul. * We advocate—vigorously but responsibly—in our areas of focus. * We must be humble and mindful in our actions and words. We seek and heed the counsel of outside voices. * We treat our grantees as valued partners, and we treat the ultimate beneficiaries of our work with respect. * Delivering results with the resources we have been given is of the utmost importance—and we seek and share information about those results. * We demand ethical behavior of ourselves. * We treat each other as valued colleagues. * Meeting our mission—to increase opportunity and equity for those most in need—requires great stewardship of the money we have available. * We leave room for growth and change. |
下面中文的内容*可能*是从该基金会的某些地方摘录出来的, 很有意义, 一并放在这里:
工作人员不能接受受益方赠送的任何礼品; 如果受益方与自己有亲戚等利害关系,工作人员必须在决策中选择回避; 而且,工作人员家人不得申请基金会提供的各种奖金; 欢迎外部监督,基金会为此设立热线倾听电话; 如果举报者觉得不方便,也欢迎直接向司法机关检举; 为避免卷入不必要的纠纷,基金会也不卷入政治事务,不向宗教组织和个人捐赠; |
我很欣赏的一条是"我们视受捐者为尊贵的合作伙伴, 并对我们工作的最终收益者致于尊重". 这就要求基金会不得有傲慢的"施舍者心态". 恐怕再我国, 这是比较少见的.