#df –k 检查文件系统的剩余空间 <#df -G>
/dev/lv00 10485760 44% /oracle
/dev/lv01 52428800 12% /oradata
/dev/hd1 131072 4% /home
/dev/ha9v ar 262144 12% /var
#smitty fs
File system name /var
Size of file system
Unit size 512bytes
Number of units 524288
Mount group bootfs
Mount Automatically at system restat ?yes
Permissions read/write
Start DISK actioning no
Fragment size (bytes) 4096
Compression algorithom no
Large File Enable true
Allocation Group Size(MBytes) 64
#lspv /看有几个硬盘
hdisk0 005baffcf84b78a7 rootvg active
hdisk2 005baf6c02b69d7 oravg active
#prtconf /查看系统配置
#lsvg -o
#lsvg -p oravg
hdisk2 active total pps =779 free pps=398 1pps=128M
#lslv -l lv00
#lsps -a /查看换页空间的大小
hd6 hdisk0 rootvg 1152MB
#lsvg -l rootvg
lv name Type LPS PPS PVS Lvstate
hd5 boot 1 1 1
lv00 jfs 80 80 1 open
#smitty -lvm /建立LV有下面四个选项
『Volume Groups』
『Logical Volumes』
『Physical Volumes』
『paging space』
#smitty -lvm
——#Logical Volumes
——#list all logical volumes by volume group
lv name type pps mount point
lv01 jfs 400 /oradata
lv name type pps mount point
lv00 jfs 80 /oracle
#smitty -lvm
——#Volume Groups
——#add a volume group
volume group name=
physical partition size in megabytes =4
physical volme name=hdisk?
Force the creation of volume group=no
Active volume group automatically
At system restart?=yes
Volume group major number =『』
Create a big VG format volumes group?=no
LTG size in Kbytes =128
#smitty -lvm
——#Physical Volumes
——#list all phsycal volumes in system
——add a disk
#smitty -lvm
——#paging space
——list all paging space
page space hd6
PV hdisk0
VG rootvg
Size 1152MB
——change/show characteristics of a paging space
paging space name 『』
PV 『』
VG 『』
Number of additional logical partions
Or number fo logical partition to remove『』
Use this paging space each time the system
Is restarting