
1181阅读 0评论2009-12-22 ubuntuer

  google N多网页,fuck china!苦苦尝试无一而终,最后还是老老实实的读sf的doc,柳暗花明又一村,豁然开朗,原来一切如此简单...
  你注册帐号后 有个
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         Note: Allowed characters for files and directories are: -_ +.,=#~@!()[]a-zA-Z0-9 (including " " - space). Disallowed characters are: &:%?/* Filenames may not start with a space or dot ("."), and may not end with a space (" ").

    File Manager (UI)

    1. Select File Manager from the Project Admin menu
    2. Click on the Gear icon next to the “/” (root) folder or any other folder and select the New Folder menu item.
    3. Enter name of the folder to be created
    4. Click the Gear icon next to the folder where uploaded file will reside and select "Upload here"
    5. Navigate to file to be uploaded and click Open

    The file is uploaded.


    User jsmith seeks to put file.zip to the Rel_1 directory of his project, fooproject:

    scp file.zip jsmith,fooproject@frs.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/f/fo/fooproject/Rel_1


    User jsmith seeks to put file.zip to the Rel_1 directory of his project, fooproject:

    rsync -e ssh file.zip jsmith,fooproject@frs.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/f/fo/fooproject/Rel_1/


    Interactive Shell sessions persist for 4 hours once created. Authorized developers that have been granted shell access for a project can create/connect to an Interactive Shell with:

    ssh -t USER,PROJECT@shell.sourceforge.net create

    NOTE: Be sure to substitute your SourceForge.net login username for USER, and the respective SourceForge.net project UNIX name for PROJECT.

    If you do not have an active Interactive Shell session a help page can be viewed with:

    ssh USER@shell.sourceforge.net

    Putty client

    For those using the Putty SSH client, set the following settings for the Putty session:

    SessionHost Name: "shell.sourceforge.net"
    SessionConnection Type: "SSH"
    Connection > SSH > TTYConfirm that "Don't allocate a pseudo-terminal" is not checked
    Connection > SSHRemote command: "create"
    Connection > DataAuto-login username: "USER,PROJECT"
    • Open the session and provide your password at the prompt.

    SSH Key Authentication

    If a user has set up SSH keys, they can be used to authenticate to an Interactive Shell session. Please see the following for more information on setting up SSH keys:

    Use the '-i' option to pass your private key file to the ssh command:

    ssh -i PATH-TO-PRIV-KEY -t USER,PROJECT@shell.sourceforge.net create

    Shell commands

    Interactive Shell provides a small set of Interactive Shell specific command line tools. These include:

    • sf-help - Prints an Interactive Shell help page.
    • timeleft - Show the time left (of the 4 hour window) before the current shell expires.
    • adminrepo - For managing CVS repositories; see adminrepo --help for more information
    • shutdown - Initiate the immediate termination of an Interactive Shell session.

    Accessing your files with other tools

    You can access most of your files at any time, regardless of whether you have an Interactive Shell created or not, by using the web.sourceforge.net hostname. This includes your project and developer web files, your home files, and your download files. It does not include any git/bazaar/mercurial SCM files that are only mounted when you create an Interactive Shell.

    One advantage of accessing your project's web files via USER,PROJECT@web.sourceforge.net is that the default transfer directory for relative pathnames is your project's web directory. For instance, this will update the index.html file for the "myproject" project as long as user "joe" has the permissions to do so:

    rsync -aiv index.html joe,myproject@web.sourceforge.net:htdocs/

    For all other transfers the default transfer directory for relative pathnames is your user's HOME directory.

    For files not accessible via web.sourceforge.net, you can use scp or  using your normal shell.sourceforge.net access. Only  access requires an alternate means of accessing your shell's files, should you want to use that.

    To use sftp to access your files, either use the web.sourceforge.net method, or run the sf-help command in your Interactive Shell and it will tell you an alternate access method that requires the use of a port number and an alternate hostname. In the following example replace USER with your SourceForge.net username, and PORT and HOST with the port number and hostname you obtained from sf-help:

    sftp -o Port=PORT USER@HOST

    A couple examples:

    sftp -o Port=22002 joe@shell2.sourceforge.net
    sftp -o Port=24007 joe,myproject@shell4.sourceforge.net

         Configuring TortoiseSVN

    TortoiseSVN generally requires no configuration. To access a repository, a checkout   operation should be performed. Right-click in the directory to perform the checkout, and select 'SVN Checkout' from the menu. Then, access the repository via URL, similar to how a web-browser operates. This URL will look like:


    Though, typically you would want to specify the trunk to be checked out. Like this:


    PROJECTNAME is the project UNIX name, as specified on the summary page for the project in question. The project, 'filezilla', for example, would use the following URL to checkout the trunk of their SVN repository:


    Upon first connection to the SourceForge.net SVN server, you may be prompted to accept the 'server certificate' for svn.sourceforge.net, you should 'Accept Permanently' the certificate.

    After initial checkout, if you change a file and want to commit the change back to the repository, you will be prompted for your username and password. This will be the username and password for the SourceForge.net website.


    之后svn commit  update就都可以了

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