The installation of Ball Mill Sizing Block

247阅读 0评论2012-08-23 jocelyn0825

The sizing block is one of the most important parts of . How to install it correctly? This article will give you a better answer.
(1) The sizing block set: the sizing block is put around the foundation blot and in the corresponding position of rib plate on the bearing block, and the method of directly placing the sizing block on the concrete foundation is adopted; before placing, the base block and the equipment contact surface should be chipped, then grind the foundation surface until the contact points of sizing block distribute uniformly. There shouldn't be any grease dirt on the base block roof; If there is, it must be cleaned thoroughly; the relative elevation of every chassis should be up to the mustard, and the sizing block must get to the seating plane fully.
(2) First level up the sizing block, then tilt the sizing block. The amount of the sizing block should be to the standard of the designed elevation. Each group of the base plate should try to decrease its base plate amount with no more than 5 pieces. Among the flat base plate, the thickest should be put underneath and the thinnest should be put in the middle.
(3) The depth of the base plate group stretching into the equipment base should be over that of the foundation bolt. Its landscape orientation should try to be close to the foundation bolt or the equipment rib plate, right under the main bearing. The length ways flat sizing block stretches out of the equipment base for 10~30mm. The overlaps of the two slanting bases are 2/3 of the overall length and will be fine to stretch out of the foundation for 10~50mm. Each base plate group should be compressed tightly and the compress degree is that the base plate can be knocked out by the hand hammer. That can be checked by sound and experience.

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